vim-symlink enables to automatically follow the symlinks in Vim or Neovim. This means that when you edit a pathname that is a symlink, vim will instead open the file using the resolved target path.
- Cross-platform
- Recursive symlinks resolution
support- Allow to create new files in symlinked directories
- Make vim-fugitive behave properly with linked files
Install with packer:
use { 'aymericbeaumet/vim-symlink', requires = { 'moll/vim-bbye' } }
Install with vim-plug:
Plug 'aymericbeaumet/vim-symlink'
Plug 'moll/vim-bbye' " optional dependency
Note: vim-bbye allows to consistenly wipe buffers without impacting the windows order. Even though a fallback is present in vim-symlink (hence avoiding a required dependency), the vim-bbye implementation is more robust and I advise you to leverage it.
Read more about the usage in the documentation.