Learning Guide Unit 1
##Unit 1: Introduction to Programming, Names, and Things
- Introduction to the operation of a computer
- Introduction to Java, the Java Virtual Machine, and the Java development and run time environments
- Object Oriented Programming
- User interfaces
- A basic Java Program
- Variables and data types
- Objects and Subroutines
- Basic Input and Output
- Expressions
- Learning Objectives:
##By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
- Recognize and understand basic concepts of computer programming
- Articulate characteristics of the Java programming language and run time environment
- Understand the Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming
- Acquire the basic skills for simple programming
- Develop a simple program in Java
- Differentiate between variables, primitive data types, and objects
- Articulate the characteristics of objects and subroutines
- Implement basic input and output functionality
- Recognize and be able to implement Java expressions
##Tasks: Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
- Download and install the JDK package and the Netbeans integrated development environment
- Test the software installation
- Participate in the Discussion Question (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
- Complete and submit the Programming Assignment
- Make entries to the Learning Journal
- Take the Self-Quiz
Learning Guide Unit 2
##Unit 2: Repetitions
- Introduction to control structures within Java
- Algorithm Development
- While, do, and for loops
- Learning Objectives:
##By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
- Recognize what a control structure is in Java and articulate its purpose
- Articulate what an algorithm is and how it is developed
- Recognize and be able to define the characteristics of while, do, and for loops
- Implement repetition in Java programs Articulate what a control structure is in Java and its purpose
- Peer assess Unit 1 Written Assignment
- Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
- Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
- Complete and submit the Programming Assignment
- Make entries to the Learning Journal
- Take the Self-Quiz
Learning Guide Unit 3
##Unit 3: Branches
- The if statement
- The switch statement
- Exceptions
- The try … catch statements
- Learning Objectives:
##By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
- Articulate the role and value of branching control structures within high level programming languages
- Recognize and be able to define the characteristics of if, then, else and switch ‘case’ branch structures
- Recognize and be able to articulate the operation of the try .. catch exception structure and be able to identify opportunities for the use of this structure in programming
- Implement if, then, else and switch structures within Java programs
- Implement the try … catch exception handling structure within Java programs
- Peer assess Unit 2 Programming Assignment
- Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
- Participate in the Discussion Question (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
- Complete and submit the Programming Assignment
- Make entries to the Learning Journal
- Take the Self-Quiz
Learning Guide Unit 4
##Unit 4: Subroutines, Packages, and JavaDoc
- The idea of a black box or code which has its inner workings hidden
- Subroutines
- Passing data into a subroutine with parameters
- Returning data from a subroutine with return values
- Packages of subroutines within Java
- Documenting packages with JavaDoc
- Declarations and Constants
- Learning Objectives:
##By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
- Understand more about blackbox interfaces, as they play a role in toolboxes
- Learn how to automate documentation using Javadoc
- Understand the meaning of declarations
- Recognize the difference between a class and an object
- Understand how to construct objects and how to initialize them
- Peer assess Unit 4 Programming Assignment
- Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
- Participate in the Discussion Question (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
- Complete and submit the Programming Assignment
- Make entries to the Learning Journal
- Take the Self-Quiz
##Learning Guide Unit 5 ##Unit 5: Object Oriented Programming
- Programming with Objects
- Object-oriented Analysis and Design
- Learning Objectives:
##By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
- Learn how to use Java’s polymorphism to extend existing classes.
- Understand the meaning of a wrapper class.
- Learn about Java’s Object class
- Study principles of Object-oriented Analysis and Design and follow an example
- Peer assess Unit 4 Programming Assignment
- Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
- Participate in the Discussion Question (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
- Complete and submit the Programming Assignment
- Make entries to the Learning Journal
- Take the Self-Quiz
- Take the Graded Quiz
##Learning Guide Unit 6
##Overview ##Unit 6: Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces...Oh my!
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Special variables
- Interfaces, Nested Classes, Enums as Classes
- What is GUI all about?
- Mouse and keyboard events
##Learning Objectives:
By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
- Understand more concepts in Object-oriented Programming: Inheritance and Polymorphism, Interfaces, and Nested Classes
- Meet two new special variables: this and super
- Learn about the limitations of constructors in subclasses
- Peer assess Unit 5 Programming Assignment
- Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
- Participate in the Discussion Question (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
- Complete and submit the Programming Assignment
- Make entries to the Learning Journal
- Take the Self-Quiz
##Learning Guide Unit 7 ##Unit 7: Array
- Arrays
- Dynamic arrays and Array lists
- Searching and sorting arrays
- Multi-dimensional arrays
- Learning Objectives:
##By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
- Review techniques for creating arrays, initializing arrays, and processing arrays
- Learn how to use arrays in loops
- Understand the power of random access of any array element
- Create and call variable arity methods
- Understand the use of partially full arrays and dynamic arrays
- Learn about vectors and how they differ from array lists
- Search, sort and unsort with arrays
- Peer assess Unit 6 Written Assignment
- Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
- Participate in the Discussion Question (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
- Make entries to the Learning Journal
- Take the Self-Quiz
- Take the Review Quiz