This app allows a user to create an order and add items to it's shopping cart. This is an standalone application driven primarily by tests
Unzip file:
What softwares you need to run this.
1. Install maven on your machine with mvn as path varibale.
2. Verify maven installation using command mvn --version.
3. Ensure current user has read/write acces to .m2 repository
. Windows .m2 : c:/users/user_name/.m2
. Linux .m3 : /home/user_name/.m2
4. JAVA 8 should be installed on your machine
Execute : sh
This will build your project and run all test cases
Unit Tests are available for every business logic in the porject.
For example : ShoppingCartServiceTest tests ShoppingCartService class
EndToEndTests class test end to end user scenarios . For Example
An empty shopping cart
And a product, Dove Soap with a unit price of 39.99
And another product, Axe Deo with a unit price of 99.99
And a sales tax rate of 12.5%
The user adds 2 Dove Soaps to the shopping cart
And then adds 2 Axe Deos to the shopping cart
The shopping cart should contain 2 Dove Soaps each with a unit price of 39.99
And the shopping cart should contain 2 Axe Deos each with a unit price of 99.99
And the total sales tax amount for the shopping cart should equal 35.00
And the shopping cart’s total price should equal 314.96