Genomic Selection using Neural Networks implemented in TensorFlow
To start with, you must use a GPU node ssh dev-intel16-k80
clear default modules module purge
load required modules module load singularity module load centos/7.4
start the Centos container to use the later operating system to /opt/software/CentOS/7.4--singularity/bin/centos7.4 Note: the prompt will change, create a virtual environment in your home directory
module load CUDA/8.0 module load cuDNN/6.0
create your virtual env for your custom python install. PYDIR=$HOME/python3-tf virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 $PYDIR
activate the new environment source $PYDIR/bin/activate
Install needed packages pip3 install --upgrade pip3 install matplotlib pip3 install numpy pip3 install pandas
Install GLBRC VPN for UW.