This project contains an Ansible playbook you can use to deploy quickly the Monasca solution on a unique server (except to Monasca Agent which will be deployed on monitored servers), for OpenStack.
This monasca.yml playbook references several Ansible roles which are not part of this project. You will have to upload each role from a dedicated Github repository before running this playbook.
You must use ansible >=1.9.2 to run this playbook.
An OpenStack platform deployed (with Horizon UI)
Upload Ansible Monasca roles archives:
You can upload each Ansible role by running this command:
# cd ./roles # bash
We provide a template file named inventory.tmpl you can use it to deploy Monasca within your infrastructure.
# cp ./inventory.tmpl inventory
In this inventory template file, we define 3 group names: monasca-api, monasca-agent and monasca-ui:
- monasca-api: group on which we will deploy Monasca API and Monasca backend component (kafka, zookeeper, influxdb, ...)
- monasca-agent: group on which we will deploy a Monasca Agent to collect host's monitoring metrics.
- monasca-ui: group on which the Horizon Monasca plugin and Grafana will be deployed
A classic configuration could be:
- We deploy the Monasca API on a dedicated server
- We deploy the Monasca UI on the OpenStack controller node (hosting Horizon app)
- We deploy Monasca Agent on all nodes
[monasca_api] ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
[monasca_ui] ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
[monasca_agent] ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
Ansible will connect to your hosts through a SSH session, so your hosts must have a SSH daemon running. In your inventory file, set the SSH username you want to use, and use SSH key to connect to our hosts. For more information, please have a look to Ansible documentation.
The template file common.yml.tmpl contains list of common variables used by the different uploaded Ansible roles. You have copy and update it.
# cp ./common.yml.tmpl common.yml
To deploy your Monasca solution, you have just to run this command:
# ansible-playbook -i inventory monasca.yml
Yahoo Inc. has developed a tool to manage Apache Kafka named Kafka Manager. A docker container is available as well. You can run it by this way:
# docker run --net=host -d -p 9000:9000 -e ZK_HOSTS="" -e APPLICATION_SECRET=letmein sheepkiller/kafka-manager
Open your favorite Internet browser on this URL:, and you will access to your Monasca Kafka monitoring UI.