This pure python library makes it possible to connect to an ownCloud instance and perform file, share and attribute operations.
Please note that this is not a sync client implementation but a library that provides functions to abstract away HTTP calls for various ownCloud APIs.
See the ownCloud homepage for more information about ownCloud.
Supports connecting to ownCloud 8.2, 9.0, 9.1 and newer.
- retrieve information about ownCloud instance (e.g. version, host, URL, etc.)
- basic file operations like getting a directory listing, file upload/download, directory creation, etc
- read/write file contents from strings
- upload with chunking and mtime keeping
- upload whole directories
- directory download as zip
- share a file/directory via public link
- share a file/directory with another user or group
- unshare a file/directory
- check if a file/directory is already shared
- get information about a shared resource
- update properties of a known share
- enable/disable apps
- retrieve list of enabled apps
- create/delete users
- create/delete groups
- add/remove user from groups
- store app data as key/values using the privatedata OCS API
- Python >= 2.7 or Python >= 3.5
- requests module (for making HTTP requests)
Automatic installation with pip:
$ pip install pyocclient
Manual installation of development version with git:
$ pip install requests
$ git clone
$ cd pyocclient
$ python install
Example for uploading a file then sharing with link:
import owncloud
oc = owncloud.Client('http://domain.tld/owncloud')
oc.login('user', 'password')
oc.put_file('testdir/remotefile.txt', 'localfile.txt')
link_info = oc.share_file_with_link('testdir/remotefile.txt')
print "Here is your link: " + link_info.get_link()
To run the unit tests, create a config file called "owncloud/test/". There is a config file example called "owncloud/test/". All the information required is in that file. It should point to a running ownCloud instance to test against.
You might also need to install the unittest-data-provider package:
$ pip install unittest-data-provider
Then run the script "":
$ ./
To build the documentation, you will need to install Sphinx and docutil. Then run the following commands:
$ sphinx-apidoc -e -f -o docs/source owncloud/ owncloud/test
$ cd docs
$ make html
You can then find the documentation inside of "doc/build/html".