I got really tired of formatting masscan results for EyeWitness so I made a little tool to do that. It also will take in CIDR notation if you want to skip port scanning. This defaults to standard ports for each service EyeWitness supports.
is optional and will output to the screen by default
is the file with masscan output. See tests/
for examples.
usage: genEye.py [-h] [--masscan LOAD_FILE] [--nmap LOAD_FILE_NMAP]
[--shodan LOAD_FILE_SHO] [--raw LOAD_FILE_RAW]
[--outfile OUT_FILE] [--http [HTTP]] [--https [HTTPS]]
[--rdp [RDP]] [--vnc [VNC]] [--none [NONE_]]
[ip [ip ...]]
Process a list or range of IPs to match EyeWitness's format
positional arguments:
ip IPs to parse
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--masscan LOAD_FILE Load list of IPs from a file (masscan)
Load list of IPs from a file (nmap)
--shodan LOAD_FILE_SHO
Load list of IPs from a file (shodan)
--raw LOAD_FILE_RAW Load list of IPs from a file (raw)
--outfile OUT_FILE Output results to file
--http [HTTP] Used with ip or --raw, prepends http and postpends
port 80
--https [HTTPS] Used with ip or --raw, prepends https and postpends
port 443
--rdp [RDP] Used with ip or --raw, prepends rdp and postpends port
--vnc [VNC] Used with ip or --raw, prepends vnc and postpends port
--none [NONE_] Used with ip or --raw, prepends nothing
python3 genEye.py --https --http
python3 genEye.py --masscan tests/test.masscan.txt --outfile out.txt
python3 genEye.py --nmap tests/test.nmap.txt --outfile out.txt