A curated list of awesome resources on testing
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- "The Clean Code Talks -- Unit Testing" - https://youtu.be/wEhu57pih5w
On what are unit tests, why unit-test at all and why it's better to use unit-tests over integration tests.
- J.B. Rainsberger - Integrated Tests Are A Scam - https://vimeo.com/80533536
Integrated tests are a scam. You’re probably writing 2-5% of the integrated tests you need to test thoroughly. You’re probably duplicating unit tests all over the place. Your integrated tests probably duplicate each other all over the place. When an integrated test fails, who knows what’s broken? Integrated tests probably do you more harm than good. Learn the two-pronged attack that solves the problem: collaboration tests and contract tests.
- Boundaries (A talk by Gary Bernhardt from SCNA 2012) - https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/boundaries
This talk is about using simple values (as opposed to complex objects) not just for holding data, but also as the boundaries between components and subsystems. It moves through many topics: functional programming; mutability's relationship to OO; isolated unit testing with and without test doubles; and concurrency, to name some bar.