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A multi-users web service for creating and solving quizzes.

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Web Quiz Engine

A simple web service for creating and solving quizzes through HTTP API.

It uses an embedded H2 database to store all data in the file system.

Running the application

  • Building app
./gradlew build
  • Running app
java -jar build/libs/*.jar
  • Or simply
./gradlew bootRun

By default, it runs on the port 8889 and works with the quizdb database in the user's home directory.


At this stage, the service API supports creating, getting, and solving quizzes. Each quiz has an id, title, text, some options. Some of the options are correct (from 0 to all). The answer is not returned in the API.

Operations and their results

To perform any actions with quizzes a user has to be registered and then authorized via HTTP Basic Auth. Otherwise, the service returns the HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) code.

The following are examples of all supported requests and responses using curl.

POST /api/register (Register a new user)

To register a new user, you need to send a JSON with email and password via POST request. Here is an example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8888/api/register \
--data '{"email":"", "password": "secret"}'

The service returns 200, if the registration has been completed successfully.

If the email is already taken by another user, the service will return HTTP 400.

Here are some additional restrictions to the format of user credentials:

  • an email must have a valid format (with @ and .);
  • password must have at least five characters.

If any of them are not satisfied, the service will also return HTTP 400.

All the following operations needs a registered user to be successfully completed.

POST /api/quizzes (Create a new quiz)

To create a new quiz, you need to send a JSON via POST request with the following keys:

  • title: string, required;
  • text: string, required;
  • options: an array of strings, it's required, and should contain at least 2 items;
  • answer: an array of indexes of correct options, it's optional since all options can be wrong.

An example of the request:

curl --user -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"title":"The Java Logo", "text":"What is depicted on the Java logo?", "options": ["Robot", "Tea leaf", "Cup of coffee", "Bug"], "answer": [2]}' \

The response contains the same JSON with generated id, but does not include answer.

{"id":1,"title":"The Java Logo","text":"What is depicted on the Java logo?","options":["Robot","Tea leaf","Cup of coffee","Bug"]}

If the request JSON does not contain title or text, or they are empty strings (""), then the response is 404. If the number of options in the quiz is less than 2, the response is 404 as well.

GET /api/quizzes/{id} (Get a quiz)

To get an info about a quiz, you need to specify its id in url.

curl --user -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/quizzes/1

The response does not contain answer:

{"id":1,"title":"The Java Logo","text":"What is depicted on the Java logo?","options":["Robot","Tea leaf","Cup of coffee","Bug"]}

If the quiz does not exist, the server returns HTTP 404.

GET /api/quizzes (Get all quizzes -with paging and/or sorting-)

The number of stored quizzes can be very large. In this regard, obtaining all quizzes is performed page by page: 10 quizzes at once. Here is an example"

curl --user -X GET http://localhost:8888/api/quizzes

The response contains a JSON with quizzes (inside content) and some additional metadata:

    "content": [
            "id": 9,
            "title": "Math1",
            "text": "Which of the following is equal to 4?",
            "options": [
    "pageable": {
        "sort": {
            "sorted": true,
            "unsorted": false,
            "empty": false
        "offset": 0,
        "pageNumber": 0,
        "pageSize": 10,
        "paged": true,
        "unpaged": false
    "totalElements": 15,
    "last": false,
    "totalPages": 2,
    "number": 0,
    "size": 10,
    "sort": {
        "sorted": true,
        "unsorted": false,
        "empty": false
    "numberOfElements": 10,
    "first": true,
    "empty": false

We can pass the page param to navigate through pages /api/quizzes?page=1. Pages start from 0 (the first page).

By default the quizzes are sorted by their ids, but by passing other quiz columns you can get sorted results according to the specified columns. For example you can request a result sorted by quiz title as follows: /api/quizzes?page=0&sort=title.

If there is no quizzes, content is empty.

In all cases, the status code is HTTP 200 (OK).

POST /api/quizzes/{id}/solve (Solving a quiz)

To solve a quiz, you need to pass an answer JSON-array with option indexes via POST request and there have to be the exact same amount of answer options and all of them have to be same as the actual answers. indexes of the quiz options starts from 0 so answer options must also start with zero.

Here is an example with curl:

curl --user -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
http://localhost:8889/api/quizzes/1/solve --data '[1, 2]'

It is also possible to send an empty array of options because some quizzes may not have correct options.

curl --user -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
http://localhost:8889/api/quizzes/1/solve --data '[]'

The result is determined by the value of the boolean success key in the response json.

  • if the answer is correct:
{"success":true,"feedback":"Congratulations, you're right!"}
  • if the answer is incorrect:
{"success":false,"feedback":"Wrong answer! Please, try again."}
  • If the specified quiz does not exist, the server returns HTTP 404.

GET /api/quizzes/completed (Get all completions of quizzes -with paging-)

The API provides an operation to get all completions of quizzes for a user. A response is separated by pages, since the service may return a lot of data.

curl --user -X GET  http://localhost:8889/api/quizzes/completed

The response contains a JSON with quizzes (inside content) and some additional metadata:

"totalPages":1,"totalElements":5,"last":true,"first":true, "empty":false,
  {"quizId":103,"quizTitle":"Test 3","completedAt":"2020-09-29T21:13:53.779542"},
  {"quizId":102,"quizTitle":"Test 2","completedAt":"2020-09-29T21:13:52.324993"},
  {"quizId":101,"quizTitle":"Test 1","completedAt":"2020-09-29T18:59:58.387267"},
  {"quizId":101,"quizTitle":"Test 1","completedAt":"2020-09-29T18:59:55.303268"},
  {"quizId":202,"quizTitle":"The Java Logo","completedAt":"2020-09-29T18:59:54.033801"}]

Since it is allowed to solve a quiz multiple times, the response may contain duplicate quizzes, but with different completion date.

Some metadata keys are removed from the response to keep it more simple to understand.

DELETE /api/quizzes/{id} (Deleting a quiz)

It is possible to delete a quiz, but this can only be done by its creator.

curl --user -X DELETE  http://localhost:8889/api/quizzes/1

If the operation was successful, the service returns HTTP 204 (No content).

If the specified quiz does not exist, the server returns HTTP 404. If the specified user is not the creator of this quiz, the response contains HTTP 403 (Forbidden).


A multi-users web service for creating and solving quizzes.






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