released this
01 Mar 11:57
Local Code Systems
XLS/CSV import improvements (available in paid tiers)
Support auto-detecting and importing locale
values for preferred terms and synonyms
Support auto-detecting and importing hierarchical relationships in the form of a parentId
Support importing terminologies with multi-line concept definitions
[lcs] ignore BOM characters when importing a CSV file describing code system concepts
[lcs] detect auto-recognized column headers case insensitively
[loinc] remove duplicate import
path segment from import API route
[loinc] fixed an issue that caused the LOINC import API to report a failure even if the request was valid
Bump Elasticsearch 7 to 7.17.18
Bump Elasticsearch 8 client to 8.12.2
Bump Eclipse Platform to e4.30
Bump Xtext to 2.33.0
Bump EMF to 2.35.0
Bump MWE2 to 2.16.0
Bump ECL to 2.1.5
Bump SLF4J to 2.0.11
Bump Logback to 1.4.14
Bump Jackson to 2.16.1
Bump Jetty to 12.0.3 (with Jakarta EE10)
Bump Spring to 6.1.3
Bump springdoc to 2.3.0
Bump Swagger libraries to 2.2.20
Bump Guava to 32.1.3-jre
Bump OWLAPI to custom 4.5.26
Bump Protege to custom 5.0.7
Bump snomed-owl-toolkit to a custom 5.1.1
Bump fastutil to 8.5.12
Bump rest-assured to 4.5.1
Bump mockito to 5.9.0
Bump bytebuddy to 1.14.11
Bump uuid-creator to 5.3.7
Bump failsafe to 3.3.2
Bump rxjava to 2.2.21
Bump netty to 4.1.106.Final
Bump kotlin-osgi-bundle to 1.9.22
Bump mapdb to 3.1.0
Bump failsafe to 3.2.2
Bump micrometer to 1.12.2
Bump zjsonpatch to 0.4.16
Bump bucket4j to 8.7.0
Bump hibernate validator to 8.0.1.Final
Bump java-jwt to 4.4.0
Bump jwks-rsa to 0.22.1
Bump testcontainers to 1.19.4
Add required Apache Commons libraries
Bump Tycho to 4.0.6
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