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The Java library makes it easy to consume the Baato API into existing native android projects.


  • Search
  • Reverse Geocoding
  • Places
  • Directions

Getting Started

1.Open up your project's build.gradle file. Add the following code:

 repositories {
  maven { url '' }

2.Open up your application's build.gradle file. Add the following code:

android {
 compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = 1.8
        targetCompatibility = 1.8
dependencies {
   implementation 'com.github.baato:java-client:${latest-version}'


1. Search

 new BaatoSearch(this)
           .setType("hospital") //optional parameter
           .setAPIVersion("1") // optional, default will be "1" if not set
           .setLimit(5) //optional parameter
           .withListener(new BaatoSearch.BaatoSearchRequestListener() {
               public void onSuccess(SearchAPIResponse places) {
                   // get the list of search results here
                   Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess:search " + places.toString());

               public void onFailed(Throwable error) {
                   // get the error messages here
                   Log.d(TAG, "onFailed:search " + error.getMessage());

2. Reverse GeoCode

  new BaatoReverse(this)
               .setLatLon(new LatLon(lat, lon))
               .setLimit(5) //optional parameter
               .withListener(new BaatoReverse.BaatoReverseRequestListener() {
                   public void onSuccess(PlaceAPIResponse places) {
                       // success response here
                       Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: reverse " + places.toString());

                   public void onFailed(Throwable error) {
                       // failure response here
                       Log.d(TAG, "onFailed:reverse " + error.getMessage());

3. Places

new BaatoPlace(this)
               .withListener(new BaatoPlace.BaatoPlaceListener() {
                   public void onSuccess(PlaceAPIResponse place) {
                       //success response here
                       Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: place" + place.toString());

                   public void onFailed(Throwable error) {
                       //failure response here
                       Log.d(TAG, "onFailed: place" + error.getMessage());

4. Directions

   String points[] = new String[]{"27.73405,85.33685", "27.7177,85.3278"};
       new BaatoRouting(this)
               .setMode(mode) //eg bike, car, foot
               .setAlternatives(false) //optional parameter
               .setInstructions(true) //optional parameter
               .withListener(new BaatoRouting.BaatoRoutingRequestListener() {
                   public void onSuccess(DirectionsAPIResponse directionResponse) {
                       // success response here
                       Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: routes" + directionResponse.toString());

                   public void onFailed(Throwable error) {
                       // failure response here
                       Log.d(TAG, "onFailed:routes " + error.getMessage());

5. To use turn by turn navigation:

Get the currentRoute from step no 4 and follow the below steps:

String parsedNavigationResponse = BaatoRouting.getParsedNavResponse(directionResponse, navigationMode);
DirectionsResponse directionsResponse = DirectionsResponse.fromJson(parsedNavigationResponse);
DirectionsRoute currentRoute = directionsResponse.routes().get(0);

To get routeString compatible to maplibre

BaatoRouting.getParsedNavResponse(response,navigationMode, Locale("en"), context, true )

Here a boolean value true is forMaplibre compatible. If you use Baato's navigation SDK you can set it to false.

6. Baato Navigation SDK

Now that you have your route, you can use the Baato Navigation SDK for navigation.

Add the following dependencies to build.gradle in your android project

// baato navigation SDK
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.baato.navigation-sdk:baato-navigation-android:${latest-version}'
  implementation 'com.github.baato.navigation-sdk:baato-navigation-android-ui:${latest-version}'

You can now launch the navigation UI and navigate through your app.

boolean simulateRoute=false;
NavigationLauncherOptions options = NavigationLauncherOptions.builder()
        .shouldSimulateRoute(simulateRoute) // boolean value set true for simulation
NavigationLauncher.startNavigation(YourActivity.this, options);

Built With

  • Retrofit - Used to handle API requests
  • Maven - Dependency Management
  • Graphhopper - Used to Handle navigation API response