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A Custom Field using Javascript masking for Meta Box Custom Fields

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1. Meta Box Multimask Field

Last updated: March 21st, 2021

Added Controls for Meta Box Builder 4, drag and drop fields.

About this plugin

Multimask fieldtype is a fieldtype that is based on the imaskjs javascript library. This library allows you to very easily create custom layouts for your fields. and

This is short docs for multimask fieldtype for Meta Box. More info can be found on libraries page.

1.1. Usage:

Download and activate the plugin or copy the plugin-code from 'input-multimask-field.php' and paste to your functions.php.

after activation you will have the 'multimask' field-type at your displosal.

Optional settings for the field are:

            setting                     default-value

            'mask_type'             =>  'currency',       // optional: 'currency' / 'regex' / 'custom'
            'scale'                 =>  2,                // decimal digits, 0 for integers
            'signed'                =>  false,            // disallow negative
            'padFractionalZeros'    =>  true,             // if true, then pads zeros at end to the length of scale
            'normalizeZeros'        =>  false,            // append or remove zeros at ends
            'mask'                  =>  '$num',           // currency mask, ie: '$ num' , '€ num' , '£ num'
            'thousandsSeparator'    =>  ',',              // any single character
            'radix'                 =>  '.',              // fractional delimiter
            'mapToRadix'            =>  '[\'.\']',        // symbols to process as radix
            'min'                   =>  false,            // optional number interval options
            'max'                   =>  false,            // optional number interval options
            'return'                =>  'float',          // optional string to return meta as float, not string
            'placeholder'           =>  '',               // optional placeholder text
            'store'                 =>  'unmaskedValue',  // optional how to store value to the postmeta: 'value' / 'unmaskedValue'
            'custom'                =>  ''                // custom regex or full settings (depending on mask_type)

The returned value for the field is an unstyled value. So, even if you see a currency field-value of '$ 199.00', the stored value is '199'. This is so that you can gracefully fall back to a text or numeric field, and can switch masks without much problems.

1.2. Example:


add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', 'agent_meta_box' );
 * Create a Meta Box, anonymously
function agent_meta_box( $meta_boxes ) {
    $meta_boxes[] = array(
        'title'  => 'Agent',
        'id'     =>  'agent-meta-box',
        'post_types'    => array(
        'context'   => 'normal',   // normal / advanced / side / form_top / after_title / after_editor / before_permalink
        'priority'  => 'high',      // high / low
        'fields' => array(
            // fields go here
            array(  // USD currency format with US number format
                'name'                  =>  'Dollars',
                'id'                    =>  'my_number_format',
                'type'                  =>  'multimask',
                'scale'                 => 0,
                'signed'                => true,
                'padFractionalZeros'    => false,
                'mask'                  => '$ num'
            array(  // Euro currency with European number format
                'name'                  =>  'Euros',
                'id'                    =>  'my_euro_currency',
                'type'                  =>  'multimask',
                'scale'                 => 0,
                'signed'                => true,
                'padFractionalZeros'    => false,
                'mask'                  => '€ num',
                'min'                   => -1000,
                'radix'                 => ',',
                'thousandsSeparator'    => '.',
                'mapToRadix'            => '[\'.\']'
            array(  // Dutch postal code
                'name'                  =>  'Postal Code',
                'id'                    =>  'my_postal_code',
                'type'                  =>  'multimask',
                'mask_type'             =>  'custom',
                'custom'               =>  "mask: '0### aa', definitions: { '0': /[1-9]/, '#':/[0-9]/, 'a': /[a-zA-Z]/ }",
                'store'                 => 'value'                  // store to postmeta-table as masked-value
            array(  // Input restricted to coco coco
                'name'                  =>  'Enter coco coco',
                'id'                    =>  'my_continue',
                'type'                  =>  'multimask',
                'mask_type'             =>  'custom',
                'custom'                 =>  "mask: 'coco coco', definitions: { 'c': /[cC]/, 'o': /[oO]/ }",
                'store'                 => 'value',
                'desc'                  => 'Enter coco coco'
            array( // Phone number in format 0-000-000-000
                'name'        => 'Phone number',
                'label_description' => '',
                'id'          => 'my_phone_number',
                'desc'        => 'Enter Phone number',
                'type'        => 'multimask',
                'mask_type'   => 'custom',
                'custom'      => "mask: '0-000-000-000'",
                'store'       => 'value',

                // Placeholder
                'placeholder' => '1-800-234-567',

    return $meta_boxes;

1.2.1. changelog:

1.4 (March 21st, 2021) Updated for usage with Meta Box Builder 4, added field controls. Cleaned up code by seperating into multiple files.

1.3 (July 5th, 2019) Added $(document).ready() for use with Frontend Submissions

1.2 (December 4th, 2018)

enhancement: added mask_type 'regex' and 'custom'.

1.1 (December 4th, 2018)

feature: add field-setting return so that meta-value is float instead of string

enhancement: signed and padFractionalZeros setting can be input as both boolean and string

1.0.1 (December 4th, 2018)

bugfix: Removed redeclaring of field-name so that returned value is unstyled.

1.0 (December 3rd, 2018)

Initial release.


A Custom Field using Javascript masking for Meta Box Custom Fields






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