Clojure library for making querying databases easier by writing your queries as SQL and transforming them into clojure functions.
Everything is work in progress. This is my first clojure project so comments are welcome. If you read the code (around 100 LOC) and have any recommendations please share them.
The library provides you with query
function and 2 macros
and defqueries-from-dir
([query-name db-spec sql] [query-name db-spec sql opts])
Defines a query function using the given name
Macro defines a function for you that you can call with a map of parameters and
values. Parameters are in SQL written as keywords (such as :myparam
(require '[clojure.sql.core :refer [query defquery]])
(def db-spec {:subprotocol "postgresql"
:subname "//"})
; define a query
(defquery material-on-stock ; query name
db-spec ; database specification
; SQL string
"select part_no, quantity
from inventory_stock_levels
where part_no in (:part-no)
and warehouse = :warehouse
order by :part-no")
; use your defined query
; parameters are given in a map
(material-on-stock {:part-no [100024040 100024041] ; one can give multiple values
:warehouse "CC110"})
One can use the whole set of options for the jdbc/query see , ie:
:identifiers, :as-arrays?, :row-fn, and :result-set-fn
:return-keys, :result-type, :concurrency, :cursors, :fetch-size, :max-rows
Two additional options can be supplied:
db-spec takes, well, db-spec or DB connection so you can use the query in transaction, etc. Parser can be injected if you have any special needs with regard to parsing the raw SQL and it's parameter placeholders.
Example of using options:
(defquery valve-state
"select datetime, tagname, value
from discretehistory dh
where timeResolution = :resolution
and tagname in (:tags)"
{:fetch-size 100 :as-arrays? true}) ; specify default options if any
(valve-state {:resolution 1000
:tags ["HV1010_Open" "HV1011_Open"]}
{:as-arrays? false}) ; now :as-arrays? overrides default
; from defquery, fetch-size is still 100
If you want to use SQL without parametrs but with query options, you must supply nil instead of parameter hash:
(defquery query-without-params "select * from tags")
(query-without-params nil {:as-arrays? true}) ; nil is important here!
([db-spec dir-path])
Defines query functions from files of raw SQL in the directory given
Query names will be the filenames with underscores '_' replaced with dashes '-'
and without the '.sql' extension:
'my_query.sql' file transforms into 'my-query' function
If you have this tree structure:
└── sql
├── production
│ ├── daily_production.sql
│ └── quality_by_product.sql
└── sales
├── customer_credit_levels.sql
└── sales_by_salespersons.sql
You can run defqueries-from-dir
and get following queries:
(defqueries-from-dir db-spec "resources/sql/")
(daily-production ...)
(quality-by-product ...)
(customer-credit-levels ...)
(sales-by-salespersons ...)