Perl module and script for summarising repeat motifs from BAM files, ready for statistical analysis. For details of the purpose of this software please see
Perl 5.14.1
The CPAN module Bio::DB::HTS requires htslib, that may be easier to install separately, or to install Bio::DB::HTS from Github with one of the options in the scripts/
Required CPAN modules can be obtained by instructions from the perl Build.PL
A Docker container is available for the most common use of this package. This can make the installation process easier.
Instructions for the Docker container are at
Install as a module:
# Assumes htslib is already installed. See Install Requirements section above, or below for some installation tips.
# Install Bio::Perl if not installed already (assumes CPAN Minus is available)
cpanm 'Bio::Perl'
perl Build.PL
./Build installdeps # This is as suggested by the previous command - the command for you to run may vary.
./Build test
./Build install
If you do not have write access to the Perl module directory, you may need to use the local::lib module. In some circumstances these commands may still not work, and you may need to seek help on Perl's Module::Build.
If Bio::DB::HTS has trouble installing, first check that htslib is properly installed including lib paths. For local installs, we have had success installing it (after installing Bio::Perl) with the following command:
bash <(curl "git clone --branch master --depth=1" "BUILD_LOCAL_INSTALLED_HTSLIB"
An outline of our analysis pipeline can be viewed at We have not yet extensively tested against different aligner settings, but we speculate that the alignments should be performed in local mode.
The repeat expansion loci are specified in a tab delimited file.
This is available in the R exSTRa package under inst/extdata/repeat_expansion_disorders_hg19.txt
or inst/extdata/repeat_expansion_disorders_grch37.txt
, with hg38 and GRCh38 files coming soon.
Either use the file where the R package is installed, or download directly: repeat_expansion_disorders_hg19.txt or repeat_expansion_disorders_grch37.txt.
See examples/
for an example of running the script bin/
that can be modified to your data.
The Docker container has
as an executable command.