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Mycobacterium tuberculosis mixture detection and strain typing from WGS data


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Published in Communications Biology DOI

TBtypeR enables accurate and sensitive quantification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) strain mixtures from whole genome sequencing (WGS) data. It is designed to detect low-frequency mixed infections that other tools struggle to identify, with frequencies as low as 1%.

TBtypeR is available as a standalone R package and as part of an end-to-end Nextflow pipeline, TBtypeNF, which automates data processing from raw sequencing reads to final results.


Extensive benchmarking, detailed in our publication in Communications Biology, shows that TBtypeR has the highest accuracy in predicting minor strain fractions. Competing tools fail to accurately detect or quantify mixtures below 5%.

How TBtypeR Works

TBtypeR models reference and alternative allele counts at phylogenetic SNP sites using a binomial distribution. These sites, known as the SNP barcode, are compiled from multiple studies:

Publication Lineages Unique SNPs # Sublineages
Napier et al. L1-L9,La1-La3 7572 78
Zwyer et al. La1-La3 1323 19
Thawornwattana et al. L2 728 42
Coscolla et al. L5,L6 643 16
Shuaib et al. L3 637 12

The Nextflow Pipeline: TBtypeNF

TBtypeNF is a Nextflow pipeline that automates MTB mixture detection from raw sequencing reads. It integrates:

The pipeline generates an HTML report with detected MTB strains and mixture proportions.

We strongly recommend using pipeline where possible as it ensures data is extracted from all phylogenetic SNP sites, maximising accuracy and sensitivity.

TBtypeNF requires a sample manifest in TSV format with column names “sample”, “fastq1” and “fastq2” - see example manifest.


  • Nextflow (≥ 22.03.0)
  • Singularity/Apptainer or Docker

Running the Pipeline

# download example manifest
wget -O my_manifest.tsv

# run the nextflow pipeline
nextflow run bahlolab/TBtypeR/TBtypeNF/ -r main -profile singularity --manifest my_manifest.tsv

To use Docker instead of Singularity, replace -profile singularity with -profile docker.

TBtypeNF Parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
manifest Input sample manifest null
id Run identifier, for naming output files ‘TBtypeNF-run’
outdir Output files directory ‘output’
publish_bams Save BAM files to output directory false
fast Run FastTBtypeNF workflow false
max_mix Maximum number of strains in a mixture to be detected 3
min_mix_prop Minimum mixture proportion to be detected 0.005

The R package: TBtypeR

The easiest way to use TBtypeR is through the TBtypeNF pipeline. However, additional parameters and customisation is available by using the R package directly. TBtypeR can be installed with devtools as follows:


Data Requirements

Minimum Coverage Recommendations

Mixture Frequency Recommended Coverage
≥ 5% ≥20×
≥ 2.5% ≥40×
≥ 1% ≥60×

VCF Requirements

It is recommended to either use TBtypeNF or BCFtools Call to generate VCF files for TBtypeR. Input VCF files must:

  1. Use H37Rv Genome: Download from NCBI here. The chromosome must be named either “AL123456.3” or “NC_000962.3”.
  2. Contain AD Field: TBtypeR requires the VCF AD (allelic depth) format field, as generated by BCFtools call.
  3. Include SNP Barcode Sites: Coverage of the majority of TBtypeR SNP barcode sites.

To generate a compatible VCF using BCFtools:

# Download TBtypeR SNP barcode

# Reformat for BCFtools call
bzcat tbt_panel.tsv.bz2 | tail -n+2 | awk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" } { print $1, $2, $3 "," $4 }' > tbtyper_targets.tsv

# Call variants with BCFtools
bcftools mpileup <SAMPLE_1>.bam -q 1 -Q 10 -d 200 -f <REFERENCE_FASTA> -a FMT/AD -Ou \
  | bcftools call -A -m --prior 1e-2 -C alleles -T tbtyper_targets.tsv -Ou \
  | bcftools annotate -x INFO,^FORMAT/GT,^FORMAT/AD -Oz -o <SAMPLE_1>.vcf.gz

Example usage of TBtypeR:


# replace with path to your VCF file
vcf_filename <- system.file('vcf/example.vcf.gz', package = 'TBtypeR')

tbtype_result <- 
  # generate TBtypeR results
  tbtype(vcf = vcf_filename) %>% 
  # filter TBtypeR results
  filter_tbtype(max_phylotypes = 3) %>%
  # unnest data so there is 1 row per identified Mtb strain in each sample

tbtype_result %>% 
  select(sample_id, n_phy, mix_phylotype, mix_prop) %>% 
sample_id n_phy mix_phylotype mix_prop
SRR13312530 2 4.2.1 0.8579
SRR13312530 2 4.3.3 0.1421
SRR13312531 1 4.3.3 1.0000
SRR13312533 2 4.3.3 0.9192
SRR13312533 2 4.2.1 0.0808

Visualise mixtures:

tbtype_result %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = sample_id,
             y = mix_prop,
             fill = mix_phylotype)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = 'Sample ID',
       y = 'Minor Strain Fraction (%)', 
       fill = 'Sublineage') +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 6))

Detailed usage guides for the tbtype and filter_tbtype functions are available in the package documentation by running help(tbtype) or help(filter_tbtype).


If you use TBtypeR, please cite:

Munro, J. E., Coussens, A. K., & Bahlo, M. (2025). TBtypeR: Sensitive detection and sublineage classification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex mixed-strain infections. Communications Biology, 8(1), 260.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-025-07705-9


Mycobacterium tuberculosis mixture detection and strain typing from WGS data







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