Estimate mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNA-CN) from whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data, with coverage bias adjustment, including GC bias and homology bias adjustment. It takes about 10 minutes of CPU time for a 30X genome.
Please contact the author, Longfei Wang, if you would like to report any issues, feedback or feature requests.
If you use mitoCN, please acknowledge by citing "Wang, L., Han, J., Fearnley, L.G. et al. Peripheral immune cell abundance differences link blood mitochondrial DNA copy number and Parkinson’s disease. npj Parkinsons Dis. 10, 219 (2024)."
Clone this repository
git clone
Install R.
Install mosdepth. Add the mosdepth to PATH using
export PATH="/path/to/mosdepth:$PATH"
- BAM input
bash /path/to/ -d <mitoCN_PATH> -f <BAM> -v <ref> -m <MT/chrM> -k <region> -o <out.prefix>
- CRAM input
bash /path/to/ -d <mitoCN_PATH> -f <CRAM> -a <FASTA> -v <ref> -m <MT/chrM> -k <region> -o <out.prefix>
- the location of mitoCN. For example, if you download mitoCN to your home directory, the parameter should be-d /Home/mitoCN
- BAM/CRAM file name, must have index file. Single file only.-v
- hg19, hg38. Depends on which reference you used for alignment.-m
- “MT”: 1,2,…,24,MT; “chrM”: chr1,chr2,…,chrY,chrM. You can check this from the header usingsamtools view -H $BAM > header
- chr1, chr20, k500, by default k500 (recommend!).-k k500
means select 500 sets of read bins with the same GC content distribution of mtDNA from each autosome.-o
- output file directory.-a
- reference (.fasta) file name, if input file is CRAM format. Must include the index (.fai) file in the same directory.
Simulated reads were generated using ART.
Fold coverage = 10X, gender = male (1 copy of chrX & chrY), true mtDNA copy number = 4. The example data can be downloaded here. The example data should be put into the example folder and named as data.tar.gz
The script of generating simulation data can be found here.
region | Np | mt | | mt.dup | | chrX | chrY |
chr20 | 10 | 3.6 | 0.04 | 3.6 | 0.04 | 0.87 | 0.86 |
- which region option was used, chr1, chr20, k500.Np
- average coveragemt
- mtDNA-CN estimate without duplicated reads on
- variance of mtDNA-CN estimate without
- mtDNA-CN estimate with duplicated reads on
- variance of mtDNA-CN estimate with duplicates.chrX
- X chromosome copy number estimate.chrY
- Y chromosome copy number estimate.
Use a GTEx sample as an example. ID = GTEX-1117F-0003-SM-6WBT7, CRAM file size = 46.3GB, fold coverage = 30X. The run time with difference -k options are as follows.
option | real time | user time | system time |
k500 | 10m23s | 5m12s | 5m7s |
chr1 | 1m50s | 56s | 50s |
chr20 | 59s | 29s | 27s |
A pre-built docker image is provided for convenience.
Ensure all your input data (crams, fastas etc are in a single data
directory), then:
docker run --volume /path/to/data:/data -f /data/sample.cram -a /data/reference.fa -v hg38 -m chrM -k k500 -o /tmp/out
Note, this isn't needed for normal usage, only for development or to make modifications to the image.
git clone
docker build mitoCN --tag
provides a way to run mitoCN as part of a WDL workflow, which can allow you to use it in cloud environments such as Terra.
The WDL task pulls the premade docker image, meaning that simply uploading the wf.wdl
is all you need to enable this workflow.
This work is supported by the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the Shake It Up Australia Foundation through Spring 2022 RFA: Parkinson’s Pathway Molecular Data Analysis Program.