The highlight of this release is the introduction of enums (aka variants or options) which can be used to limit and validate a variable's value.
For example:
define-enum : bmakelib.enum.define( DEPLOY-ENV/development,staging,production )
include define-enum
deploy : bmakelib.enum.error-unless-member( DEPLOY-ENV,ENV )
deploy :
@echo 🚀 Deploying to $(ENV)...
$ make ENV=local-laptop deploy
*** 'local-laptop' is not a member of enum 'DEPLOY-ENV'. Stop.
$ make ENV=production deploy
🚀 Deploying to production...
What's Changed
- Support enums (aka variants or options) by @bahmanm in #88
- Minor edits to docs to make them more readable/easier to understand by @bahmanm in #89
- Bump version to 0.6.0 by @bahmanm in #90
- Update RPM spec to include enum.m[kd] by @bahmanm in #91
Full Changelog: v0.4.6...v0.6.0