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demo-docker-cypress-included CircleCI

Demo running complete Docker image cypress/included

Run tests

$ ./

See script for the exact docker run ... command.

$ ./
Running Cypress e2e tests headlessly


  (Run Starting)

  │ Cypress:    3.2.0                                                        │
  │ Browser:    Electron 59 (headless)                                       │
  │ Specs:      1 found (spec.js)                                            │


  Running: spec.js...                                                                      (1 of 1)

  Cypress TodoMVC test
    ✓ adds 2 todos (1351ms)


See help

  • specify entrypoint to be just cypress
  • pass any arguments after the image name

Example: shows help

$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/e2e -w /e2e --entrypoint=cypress cypress/included:3.2.0 help

See Cypress info

You can see the information about the Docker image by running cypress info command

$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/e2e -w /e2e --entrypoint=cypress cypress/included:6.2.1 info
Displaying Cypress info...

Detected 2 browsers installed:

1. Chrome
  - Name: chrome
  - Channel: stable
  - Version: 87.0.4280.66
  - Executable: google-chrome

2. Firefox
  - Name: firefox
  - Channel: stable
  - Version: 82.0
  - Executable: firefox

Note: to run these browsers, pass <name>:<channel> to the '--browser' field

- cypress run --browser firefox
- cypress run --browser chrome

Learn More:

Proxy Settings: none detected
Environment Variables:
CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: /root/.cache/Cypress

Application Data: /root/.config/cypress/cy/development
Browser Profiles: /root/.config/cypress/cy/development/browsers
Binary Caches: /root/.cache/Cypress

Cypress Version: 6.2.1
System Platform: linux (Debian - 10.5)
System Memory: 2.09 GB free 534 MB

Running in a browser

Since we see that Chrome and Firefox browsers are pre-installed in the container, let's run tests using Firefox for example

$ ./ --browser firefox

Cypress open

Follow Running GUI applications using Docker for Mac and install XQuartz X11 server. Then see for Docker run command that forwards XVFB events from Cypress to the X11 server running on the host machine. You should see Cypress Test Runner open and work fine.

Cypress GUI shown in X11 server

Cypress plugins

If your project uses Cypress plugins and they are declared inside package.json file, then they should be installed before launching Cypress using Docker. For example this project uses cypress-axe plugin.

Before running the tests

npm install

Note: if any plugins use native extensions, they would need to be installed under exactly the same environment as the Cypress included Docker image that runs them.