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authentichj committed May 30, 2019
1 parent ba92a5c commit 38fd534
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Showing 9 changed files with 956 additions and 8 deletions.
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
import argparse
import pylab
from scipy import stats
from HNN import HNN
from function_utils import softmax, logsumexp
import cupy as xp
gpu = True
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
import numpy as xp
gpu = False
np = xp


def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', type=int, default=10000,
help='number of classes')
parser.add_argument('-d', type=int, default=300,
help='dimension of data')
parser.add_argument('-q', type=int, default=10000,
help='number of queries, evenly distributed over all '
parser.add_argument('-g', type=int, default=10000,
help='number of gallery examples, evenly distributed '
'over all classes')
parser.add_argument('--sigma', type=float, default=1e-2,
help='variance of Gaussian')
parser.add_argument('--iters', type=int, default=100,
help='number of iterations in HNN solver')
parser.add_argument('--epsilon', type=float, default=0.1,
help='entropy regularizer')
parser.add_argument('--majority_vote', action='store_true',
help='If not given, retrieval is considered as '
'correct as long as top k include the right index')
parser.add_argument('--save_matrices', help='path to save the assigment '
'matrices, and the hubness penalizers.')

args = parser.parse_args()
print("Gaussian Mixture: c={}, variance={}".format(args.c, args.sigma),
print("Data dimension: {}".format(args.d), flush=True)
print("Queries per class: {}".format(args.q//args.c), flush=True)
print("Gallery examples per class: {}".format(args.g//args.c), flush=True)
return args

def gen_data(C, d, Q, G, sigma):
""" data generation is in CPU. If GPU is available, move data there """
X_query = []
X_gallery = []
n_query_per_class = Q // C
n_gallery_per_class = G // C

for c in range(C):
mu = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, d)
mu /= np.sqrt(np.sum(mu**2))
mu, sigma * np.eye(d), n_query_per_class))
mu, sigma * np.eye(d), n_gallery_per_class))

X_query = np.vstack(X_query)
X_gallery = np.vstack(X_gallery)
if xp != np:
X_query = xp.array(X_query)
X_gallery = xp.array(X_gallery)
y_query = np.hstack([[i] * n_query_per_class for i in range(C)])
y_gallery = np.hstack([[i] * n_gallery_per_class for i in range(C)])

if gpu:
X_query = xp.asarray(X_query)
X_gallery = xp.asarray(X_gallery)

return X_query, X_gallery, y_query, y_gallery

def NN_softmax_form(D, epsilon, axis=1):
Return P_{i,j} \propto exp(-D_{i,j}/epsilon)
axis=0, normalize column-wise
axis=1, normalize row-wise
W = -D / epsilon
return softmax(W, axis=axis)

def isoftmax(D, epsilon, axis=1):
Given a 2D distance matrix D, compute inverted softmax.
Along the axis must add to 1
m, n = D.shape
P = NN_softmax_form(D, epsilon, axis=1-axis)
P /= xp.sum(P, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
hub_penalizer = logsumexp(-D/epsilon, axis=1-axis)
return P, hub_penalizer

def HNN_primal(D, epsilon, iters=100, compute_accuracy=None):
Sinkhorn Solver for the following problem of mxn matrix P:
min_P <D, P> + epsilon * H(P)
s.t. P >= 0, \sum_j P_{i,j} =1, \sum_i P_{i,j} = m/n
m, n = D.shape
P = NN_softmax_form(D, epsilon, axis=0)
P /= xp.sum(P, axis=1, keepdims=True)
if compute_accuracy is not None:
acc = []
for i in range(1, iters):
P /= xp.sum(P, axis=0, keepdims=True)
P /= xp.sum(P, axis=1, keepdims=True)
if compute_accuracy is not None:
if compute_accuracy is None:
return P
return P, acc

def compute_accuracy(P, g_labels, q_labels, majority=True):
Takes in assignment matrix P, and return the classfication accuracy
The calculation is done on CPU
p = []
if xp != np:
P = xp.asnumpy(P)
for k in [1, 5, 10]:
hits = 0
predicts = np.argpartition(-P, k, axis=1)[:, :k]
if not majority:
# as long as the correct class is included
for i in range(predicts.shape[0]):
predicts[i] = g_labels[predicts[i]]
if q_labels[i] in predicts[i].tolist():
hits += 1
p.append(hits / predicts.shape[0] * 100)
for i in range(predicts.shape[0]):
predicts[i] = g_labels[predicts[i]]
p_label, _ = stats.mode(predicts, axis=1)
p.append(np.mean(p_label.flatten() == np.array(q_labels)) * 100)
return p

if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
print("Generating data ...", flush=True)
X_query, X_gallery, y_query, y_gallery = gen_data(args.c, args.d,
args.q, args.g,
print("Done data generation", flush=True)
def dist_function(a, b):
assert len(a.shape) == 2
assert len(b.shape) == 2
a_norms = xp.sum(a**2, axis=1, keepdims=1)
b_norms = xp.sum(b**2, axis=1, keepdims=1)
return a_norms + b_norms.T - 2 *
dist_mtx = dist_function(X_query, X_gallery)

# NN
P_NN = NN_softmax_form(dist_mtx, args.epsilon, axis=1)
p_nn = compute_accuracy(P_NN, y_gallery, y_query, args.majority_vote)
print("NN test accuracy (top-[1, 5, 10]): {}%".format(p_nn), flush=True)

P_ISF, hp_isf = isoftmax(dist_mtx, args.epsilon, axis=1)
p_isf = compute_accuracy(P_ISF, y_gallery, y_query, args.majority_vote)
print('ISF test accuracy (top-[1, 5, 10]): {}%'.format(p_isf), flush=True)

# HNN primal
P_HNN0 = HNN_primal(dist_mtx, args.epsilon, args.iters)
p_hnn0 = compute_accuracy(P_HNN0, y_gallery, y_query, args.majority_vote)
print('HNN primal test accuracy (top-[1, 5, 10]): {}%'.format(p_hnn0),

# HNN dual
print("Running HNN dual ...", flush=True)
HNN_dual = HNN(X_query, X_gallery, dist_function, args.epsilon)
HNN_dual.gallery_weight(args.iters, batch=128, lr=100)
hp_hnn = -HNN_dual.beta / args.epsilon
P_HNN1 = HNN_dual.P
p_hnn1 = compute_accuracy(P_HNN1, y_gallery, y_query, args.majority_vote)
print('HNN dual test accuracy (top-[1, 5, 10]): {}%'.format(p_hnn1),

if args.save_matrices:
xp.savez(args.save_matrices, P_NN=P_NN, P_ISF=P_ISF,
P_HNN_primal=P_HNN0, P_HNN_dual=P_HNN1,
hp_isf=hp_isf, hp_hnn=hp_hnn)
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import time
from function_utils import softmax, logsumexp
import cupy as xp
gpu = True
except ImportError:
import numpy as xp
gpu = False

class HNN():
def __init__(self, src, tgt, dist_function, epsilon):
self.src = src # m x d
self.tgt = tgt # n x d
self.m = src.shape[0]
self.n = tgt.shape[0]
assert src.shape[1] == tgt.shape[1]
self.dist_function = dist_function
self.epsilon = epsilon

def gallery_weight(self, iters=1000, batch=32, lr=1e3, ini_beta=None):
""" Get the weights for all gallery items
if ini_beta is None:
beta = xp.zeros(self.n)
beta = ini_beta

def grad_over_batch(sample, beta):
r = (beta - self.dist_function(
self.src[sample], self.tgt)) / self.epsilon
probs = softmax(r, axis=1)
grad = 1. / self.n - xp.mean(probs, axis=0)
return grad

def grad_over_all(beta):
G = xp.zeros(self.n)
for i in range(0, self.m, batch):
sample_ids = xp.arange(i, min(i+batch, self.m))
G += grad_over_batch(sample_ids, beta) * len(sample_ids)
return G / self.m

# Re-implemented pyOT, batchsize == 1
cur_beta = xp.zeros(self.n)
ave_beta = xp.zeros(self.n) # the column-wise normalizer in log domain
for i in range(iters):
k = i + 1
sample_i = xp.random.randint(self.m)
r = (cur_beta - self.dist_function(
self.src[sample_i], self.tgt)) / self.epsilon
probs = softmax(r)
grad = 1. / self.n - probs
cur_beta += (lr / xp.sqrt(k)) * grad
ave_beta = (1. / k) * cur_beta + (1 - 1. / k) * ave_beta
loss_i = self.epsilon * logsumexp(r) - xp.mean(ave_beta)
self.beta = ave_beta
for i in range(iters):
t0 = time.time()
g = grad_over_all(beta)
beta += lr * g
delta_t = time.time() - t0
gnorm_i = xp.linalg.norm(g)
print("Iter: {}, grad norm: {}, time: {}".format(
i+1, gnorm_i, delta_t), flush=True)
self.beta = beta

def get_full_plan(self):
# c-transform
M = self.dist_function(self.src, self.tgt)
self.alpha = -self.epsilon * \
logsumexp((self.beta[None, :] - M) / self.epsilon, 1) \
+ self.epsilon * xp.log(self.n)
self.P = xp.exp((self.alpha[:, None] +
self.beta[None, :] - M) / self.epsilon) / self.n

def get_scores_for_query(self, query_id):
M = self.dist_function(self.src[query_id], self.tgt)
scores = self.beta - M
return scores
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ CUDNN_PATH=/path/to/cudnn-9.0-linux-x64-v7.0-rc
export PATH=$CUDA_PATH/bin:$PATH
Note: Newer versions of Python and the above packages are not tested, but there is no reason why they should not work. So feel free to play with newer versions.
Note: Other versions of Python and the above packages are not tested. But we believe they should work as long as python3+ is used.

# Experiments
## Synthetic Data
Expand All @@ -63,26 +63,31 @@ to see the synthetic data example in section 5.1 of the paper. The task is simpl
## Bilingual Lexicon Induction
The following will reproduce Table 3 of the paper.

First, download the fasttext embeddings and dictionaries.
1) Download the fasttext embeddings and dictionaries.
Second, run
A ./data directory will be created. Under that are embeddings for 6 European languages, de (German), en (English), es (Spanish), fr (French), it (Italian) and pt (Portuguese), as well as dictionaries for all the pairs.

2) Get translation accuracy for a `src`-`tgt` pair, using a specified retrieval `method` (one of {nn, isf, csls, hnn}). Run
./ $src $tgt $method
to get induction accuracies. The experiment follows the "supervised" setup at [MUSE](, but differs in that we use larger test dictionaries (data/src-tgt.txt). The outputs are logs (`src-tgt.method.log`) and translated words (`src-tgt.method.trans`) stored under `./exp/bli_500K`, where 500K is the vocabulary size for both source and target languages. In supplementary material, We have also reported results of using a vocabulary of 200K. To reproduce that, simply change `V=200000` in ``.
The experiment follows the "supervised" setup at [MUSE](, but differs in that we use larger test dictionaries (data/`src`-`tgt`.txt). The output is a log, `/exp/BLI/src-tgt.method.log`.

By default, we use 500K as the vocabulary size for both source and target languages. In supplementary material, We have also reported results of using a vocabulary of 200K. To reproduce that, simply change `V=200000` in ``.

After the jobs are done, we can check how hubness is reduced. For example, to check the hubness for Portuguese-to-English task, simply run
To see all translated words, set `save_translation=1` in ``. The translated words will be in `./exp/BLI/src-tgt.method.trans`. Each row of the file is a source word, followed by 10 top candidates of translation, from the "best" to the "worst".

3) Check how hubness is reduced (Figure 4 and Table 2). For example, to check the hubness for Portuguese-to-English task, simply run
python pt en -k 5 -N 200
It will produce `k-occurrence` (k=5 in this case) histograms, as measures of hubness, for the different methods. In particular, long tail of the histogram indicates strong hubness, which should be reduced. The Portuguese to English example will have the following histograms, where HNN has the shortest tail, *i.e.*, weakest hubness.
<p align="center">
<img src="doc/pt-en.k_occur.png" width="400">
We will also see some "hubby" words being listed, for example:

We will also see some (200 in this case) "hubby" words being listed, for example:

| "hubby" words | NN | ISF | CSLS | HNN |
Expand Down

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