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Quanlse 2.2.0

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@Quleaf Quleaf released this 22 Dec 05:54

In this version we have added the following new features:

  • Add Superconduct.Lab package for rapidly designing superconducting experiments, including the scan or normal experiments; it also provides the interface Superconduct.Lab.LabSpace to access the data service, Superconduct.Lab.Runner to connect the experiment devices or simulator.
  • Add Utils.ControlGate module to define the composition of the logic gate and the corresponding control pulses.
  • Add Utils.WaveFunction module to define the preset waveform functions.
  • Add Simulator.SimulatorAgent module to define the agent served for Quanlse Simulator, it provides quick access to all data and functions of Quanlse Simulator; it is based on the Superconduct.Lab package.
  • Add Utils.Functions.subspaceVec() function to extract a population vector in a subspace.
  • Add symbol QOperator shortcuts QOperator.chXY(), QOperator.chX(), QOperator.chY(), QOperator.chZ(), QOperator.chRO() which has no matrix definition in QOperator module.
  • Add TrappedIon.Optimizer.OptimizerIon module to calculate robust laser sequence
  • Add TrappedIon.Optimizer.QIonEvolution module to define basic evolution function of trapped ion system
  • Add TrappedIon.QIonSystem module to define basic class of robust control laser and trapped ion Chip property.
  • Add TrappedIon.QIonTrajectory module to define the phonon trajectory evolution and visualize the ion-ion coupling.
    We have improved the following existed function:
  • Improve module QWaveform, add dump2Dict(), dump2Json() and parseJson() methods to fully support JSON serialization and deserialization; QWaveform.addWave() method now is also supported to pass string-formatted waveform function name to argument f to call the preset waveforms.
  • Newly add the Superconduct package, and move the Calibration/Simulator packages into Superconduct.