PyTorch implementation of PaQ2PiQ
Check out demo.ipynb
get predicts from a file:
model = InferenceModel(RoIPoolModel(), 'models/RoIPoolModel.pth')
output = model.predict_from_file("images/Picture1.jpg")
predict from a PIL image:
model = InferenceModel(RoIPoolModel(), 'models/RoIPoolModel.pth')
image ="images/Picture1.jpg")
output = model.predict_from_pil_image(image)
The output would be a dictionary:
output['global_score'] # a float scale number indicating the predicted global quality
output['local_scores'] # a 20x20 numpy array indicating the predicted local quality scores
output['category'] # From low to high quality: 'Bad', 'Poor', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Excellent'
git clone
cd paq2piq
virtualenv -p python3.6 env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The model was trained on FLIVE. You can get it from here. (Feel free to create an issue here if you encountered any problem)
For each image, we cropped three different-sized patches. The image data and patch location is taken as input while their scores as output. Here is an example:
Used ResNet18 pretrained on ImageNet as backbone
from pytorch_lightning_module import *
module = RoIPoolLightningModule()
trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=[0])
Change the settings here:
export PATH_TO_MODEL=models/RoIPoolModel.pth
export PATH_TO_IMAGES=/storage/DATA/images/
export PATH_TO_CSV=/storage/DATA/FLIVE/
export BATCH_SIZE=16
export NUM_WORKERS=2
export NUM_EPOCH=50
export INIT_LR=0.0001
export EXPERIMENT_DIR_NAME=/storage/experiment_n0001
Train model
python train_model --path_to_save_csv $PATH_TO_CSV \
--path_to_images $PATH_TO_IMAGES \
--batch_size $BATCH_SIZE \
--num_workers $NUM_WORKERS \
--num_epoch $NUM_EPOCH \
--init_lr $INIT_LR \
--experiment_dir_name $EXPERIMENT_DIR_NAME
Use tensorboard to tracking training progress
tensorboard --logdir .
Validate model on val and test datasets
python validate_model --path_to_model_state $PATH_TO_MODEL \
--path_to_save_csv $PATH_TO_CSV \
--path_to_images $PATH_TO_IMAGES \
--batch_size $BATCH_SIZE \
--num_workers $NUM_EPOCH
Get scores for one image
python get-image-score --path_to_model_state $PATH_TO_MODEL \
--path_to_image test_image.jpg
Contributing are welcome