323 Term Project Some simple things have been done so far. I will handle prettying up the forms that exist and get them to function as expected.
Current Functionality:
- Employee Clock In/Out (simulated)
- Administrative Login
- Administrative Functions:
- Employee Management
- Time Card Management
- Print Cheques (simulated, should print out to file, encrypt file and send to bank)
- Print W2s (simulated, should print out to file)
Needed Functionality:
- Clock In/Out: Need to adjust flags and record times in employee objects
- Pay Caluclation: can be done once the above is implemented (OT, Regular Pay, etc)
For the above forms follow our Moqups example here: https://moqups.com/francis.jamesii@gmail.com/SltHdfrV/p:a1cf77150
If anyone has any problems using this git please let me know. - Jimmy