This sfdx plugin will help you with DX Package dependencies management.
List of supported features:
- visualize all dependencies(including transitive dependencies) for a package as a tree
- list all dependencies for a package in the installation order
$ sfdx plugins:install sfdx-dependency-plugin
This plugin is not digitally signed and its authenticity cannot be verified. Continue installation y/n?: y
Finished digital signature check.
Installing plugin sfdx-dependency-plugin... installed v1.1.2
$ sfdx plugins
sfdx-dependency-plugin 1.1.2
$ npm install -g sfdx-dependency-plugin
$ sfdx COMMAND
running command...
$ sfdx (-v|--version|version)
sfdx-dependency-plugin/1.2.0 win32-x64 node-v12.13.0
$ sfdx --help [COMMAND]
$ sfdx COMMAND
sfdx dependency:order [-p <string>] [-n] [--version] [-x] [-w] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
sfdx dependency:tree [-p <string>] [-f <string>] [--withversion] [--version] [--withid] [--id] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
sfdx dependency:order [-p <string>] [-n] [--version] [-x] [-w] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
view dependency tree for a package
$ sfdx dependency:order [-p <string>] [-n] [--version] [-x] [-w] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json]
[--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-n, --name displays package name
-p, --package=package package id to view dependencies for
-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub
org; overrides default dev hub org
-w, --withrootpackage includes root package into the final
-x, --maxversion displays max version only
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
--version displays package version
$ sfdx dependency:order --package '04t0..'
See code: lib\commands\dependency\order.js
sfdx dependency:tree [-p <string>] [-f <string>] [--withversion] [--version] [--withid] [--id] [-v <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
view dependency tree for a package
$ sfdx dependency:tree [-p <string>] [-f <string>] [--withversion] [--version] [--withid] [--id] [-v <string>]
[--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-f, --filter=filter filter packages by mask but includes
parent packages
-p, --package=package package id to view dependencies for
-v, --targetdevhubusername=targetdevhubusername username or alias for the dev hub
org; overrides default dev hub org
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--id displays package id
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
--version displays package version
--withid displays package id
--withversion displays package version
$ sfdx dependency:tree --targetdevhubusername --package '04t0..'
Main Package:0
+- 1st Level Pacakge 1:A
| +- 2nd Level Package 1:C
| +- 2nd Level Package 2:D
| | \- 3rd Level Package only:F
| \- 2nd Level Package last:E
\- 1st Level Pacakge 2:B
$ sfdx dependency:tree -p '04tA..'
1st Level Pacakge 1:A
+- 2nd Level Package 1:C
+- 2nd Level Package 2:D
| \- 3rd Level Package only:F
\- 2nd Level Package last:E
See code: lib\commands\dependency\tree.js