This repository contains the g_compensator ROS node.
The node subscribes to a Wrenched Stamped topic performes a non-dynamical gravitation compensation and publishes another Wrenched Stamped topic
The correction is based on the parameter mass in kg, com_frame (center of mass) as tf-frame id, gravity_frame (world frame) as tf-frame id with gravity pointing in negative z-direction with g=9.81. All parameters are to be set on the parameter-server
A rosservice /tare can be called to tare in the current pose.
This project is a result of the LIAA project. http://www.project-leanautomation.eu/
LIAA received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 608604.
Project runtime: 02.09.2013 – 31.08.2017.