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Scaling-and-squaring and Geodesic Shooting layers in PyTorch


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Scaling-and-squaring and Geodesic Shooting layers in PyTorch

Getting started

This package requires pytorch >= 1.8 and torch-interpol. We require this version so that pytorch supports complex values and the modern torch.fft module. To install with pip, simply do:

pip install "torch-diffeo @ git+"

To use the DCT/DST boundary modes (which allow using Neumann or Dirichlet boundary conditions), scipy is further required. It is bundled with torch-diffeo under the [dct] tag:

pip install "torch-diffeo[dct] @ git+"

If you are running the GPU version of pytorch and wish to use DCT/DST, cupy is further required. Again, it is bundled under the [cuda] tag:

pip install "torch-diffeo[dct,cuda] @ git+"

However, it is in general advised to install both pytorch and cupy using conda, thereby minimizing conflicts:

conda install -c pytorch -c conda-forge pytorch cupy scipy cudatoolkit=10.2 
pip install "torch-diffeo @ git+"


Exp(bound='circulant', steps=8, anagrad=False): ...
"""Exponentiate a Stationary Velocity Field

bound : [list of] {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
    Boundary conditions.
steps : int
    Number of scaling and squaring steps.
anagrad : bool
    Use analytical gradients instead of autograd.

BCH(bound='circulant', order=2): ...
"""Compose two Stationary Velocity Fields using the BCH formula

The Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff (BCH) allows computing z such that
exp(z) = exp(x) o exp(y).
bound : [list of] {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
    Boundary conditions.
order : int
    Maximum order used in the BCH series

Shoot(metric=Mixture(), steps=8, fast=True): ...
ShootInv(metric=Mixture(), steps=8, fast=True): ...
ShootBoth(metric=Mixture(), steps=8, fast=True): ...
"""Exponentiate an Initial Velocity Field by Geodesic Shooting

metric : Metric
    A Riemannian metric
steps : int
    Number of Euler integration steps.
fast : int
    Use a faster but slightly less accurate integration scheme.

Compose(bound='circulant'): ...
"""Compose two Displacement Fields

bound : [list of] {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
    Boundary conditions.

Pull(bound='wrap'): ...
"""Warp an image using a Displacement Field

bound : [list of] {'wrap', 'reflect', 'mirror'} 
    Boundary conditions.
    If splatting a displacement field, can also be one of the 
    metrics bounds: {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}

Push(bound='wrap', normalize=False): ...
"""Splat an image using a Displacement Field

bound : [list of] {'wrap', 'reflect', 'mirror'} 
    Boundary conditions.
    If splatting a displacement field, can also be one of the 
    metrics bounds: {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
normalize : bool
    Divide the pushed values by the result of `Count`.

Count(bound='wrap'): ...
"""Splat an image of ones using a Displacement Field

bound : [list of] {'wrap', 'reflect', 'mirror'} 
    Boundary conditions.
    If splatting a displacement field, can also be one of the 
    metrics bounds: {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}


We define a range of Riemannian metrics that can be used to regularize velocity fields, and must be used for Geodesic Shooting.

All metrics implement the following methods:

metric.forward(v: Tensor) -> Tensor: ...
Apply the forward linear operator `L`

v : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A velocity field.

m : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A momentum field.

metric.inverse(m: Tensor) -> Tensor: ...
Apply the inverse linear operator `K = inv(L)`

m : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A momentum field.

v : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A velocity field.

metric.whiten(v: Tensor) -> Tensor: ...
Apply the square root of the inverse linear operator `sqrt(K)`

v : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A velocity field.
x : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A white field.

metric.color(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: ...
Apply the square root of the linear operator `sqrt(L)`

x : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A white field.

v : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A velocity field.

metric.logdet(v: Tensor) -> Tensor: ...
Compute the log-determinant of the linear operator `logdet(L)`

v : (..., *spatial, D) tensor
    A velocity field. 
    Its values are not used. Only its shape, dtype and device are used.
ld : scalar tensor
    Log-determinant (scaled by batch size).

This is the list metrics currently available:

Mixture(absolute=0, membrane=0, bending=0, lame_shears=0, lame_div=0,
        factor=1, voxel_size=1, bound='circulant', use_diff=True,
        learnable=False, cache=False): ...
Positive semi-definite metric based on finite-difference regularisers.

Mixture of "absolute", "membrane", "bending" and "linear-elastic" energies.
Note that these quantities refer to what's penalised when computing the
inner product (v, Lv). The "membrane" energy is therefore closely related
to the "Laplacian" metric.

absolute : float
    Penalty on (squared) absolute values
membrane: float
    Penalty on (squared) first derivatives
bending : float
    Penalty on (squared) second derivatives
lame_shears : float
    Penalty on the (squared) symmetric component of the Jacobian
lame_div : float
    Penalty on the trace of the Jacobian
factor : float
    Global regularization factor (optionally: learnable)
voxel_size : list[float]
    Voxel size
bound : [list of] {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
    Boundary conditions
use_diff : bool
    Use finite differences to perform the forward pass.
    Otherwise, perform the convolution in Fourier space.
learnable : bool or {'components'}
    Make `factor` a learnable parameter.
    If 'components', the individual factors (absolute, membrane, etc)
    are learned instead of the global factor, which is then fixed.
cache : bool or int
    Cache up to `n` kernels
    This cannot be used when `learnable='components'`

Laplace(factor=1, voxel_size=1, bound='circulant',
        learnable=False, cache=False): ...
Positive semi-definite metric based on the Laplace operator.
This is relatively similar to SPM's "membrane" energy, but relies on
the (ill-posed) analytical form of the Greens function.

factor : float
    Regularization factor (optionally: learnable)
voxel_size : list[float]
    Voxel size
bound : [list of] {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
    Boundary conditions
learnable : bool
    Make `factor` a learnable parameter
cache : bool or int
    Cache up to `n` kernels

Helmoltz(factor=1, alpha=1e-3, voxel_size=1, bound='circulant',
         learnable=False, cache=False): ...
Positive semi-definite metric based on the Helmoltz operator.
This is relatively similar to SPM's mixture of "absolute" and
"membrane" energies, but relies on the (ill-posed) analytical form
of the Greens function.

factor : float
    Regularization factor (optionally: learnable)
alpha : float
    Diagonal regularizer.
    It is the square of the eigenvalue in the Helmoltz equation.
voxel_size : list[float]
    Voxel size
bound : [list of] {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
    Boundary conditions
learnable : bool
    Make `factor` a learnable parameter
cache : bool or int
    Cache up to `n` kernels

Gaussian(fwhm=16, factor=1, voxel_size=1, bound='circulant',
         learnable=False, cache=False): ...
Positive semi-definite metric whose Greens function is a Gaussian filter.

fwhm : float
    Full-width at half-maximum of the Gaussian filter, in mm
     (optionally: learnable)
factor : float
    Global regularization factor (optionally: learnable)
voxel_size : list[float]
    Voxel size
bound : [list of] {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'}
    Boundary conditions
learnable : bool or {'factor', 'fwhm', 'fwhm+factor}
    Make `factor` and/or 'fwhm' a learnable parameter.
    `True` is equivalent to `factor`.
cache : bool or int
    Cache up to `n` kernels
    This cannot be used when `learnable='fwhm'`


We handle three different backends for performing the underlying sampling operations:

  • torch: This backend uses torch.grid_sample. It does not implement all the boundary conditions that are handled by our metric, and uses a very approximate implementation of splatting. It should be fast, but also quite inaccurate.
  • interpol: This backend uses the package torch-interpol, which implements all the necessary operators using TorchScript. It is not the fastest but all operators and boundary conditions should be consistent. This is the default backend.
  • jitfields: This backend uses the package jitfields, which implements the same operators as torch-interpol, but in pure C++/CUDA. It does require additional dependencies (cupy and cppyy), though. Therefore, jitfields is not a mandatory dependency of torch-diffeo and must be manually intstalled by the user.

All our layers and functions take a backend argument:

from diffeo.layers import Exp
from diffeo.backends import jitfields

layer = Exp(backend=jitfields)

Alternatively, we provide a context manager that sets the backend for an entire block:

from diffeo.layers import Exp, BCH
from diffeo.backends import backend, jitfields

with backend(jitfields):
    layer1 = Exp()
    layer2 = BCH()

Note that we currently have issues when using the torch backend along with geodesic shooting layers. Classic interpolation and stationary velocity fields should work fine, however.

All backends implement the following function:

def pull(image, flow, bound='dct2', has_identity=False): ...
"""Warp an image according to a (voxel) displacement field.

image : (..., *shape_in, C) tensor
    Input image.
flow : (..., *shape_out, D) tensor
    Displacement field, in voxels.
bound : {'dft', 'dct{1|2|3|4}', 'dst{1|2|3|4}'}, default='dct2'
    Boundary conditions.
    Can also be one for {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'},
    in which case the image is assumed to be a flow field.
has_identity : bool, default=False
    - If False, `flow` is contains relative displacement.
    - If True, `flow` contains absolute coordinates.

warped : (..., *shape_out, C) tensor
    Warped image

def push(image, flow, shape=None, bound='dct2', has_identity=False): ...
"""Splat an image according to a (voxel) displacement field.

image : (..., *shape_in, C) tensor
    Input image.
flow : (..., *shape_out, D) tensor
    Displacement field, in voxels.
shape : list[int], optional
    Output shape
bound : {'dft', 'dct{1|2|3|4}', 'dst{1|2|3|4}'}, default='dct2'
    Boundary conditions.
    Can also be one for {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'},
    in which case the image is assumed to be a flow field.
has_identity : bool, default=False
    - If False, `flow` is contains relative displacement.
    - If True, `flow` contains absolute coordinates.

pushed : (..., *shape_out, C) tensor
    Pushed image


def count(flow, shape=None, bound='dct2', has_identity=False): ...
"""Splat an image of ones according to a (voxel) displacement field.

flow : (..., *shape_out, D) tensor
    Displacement field, in voxels.
shape : list[int], optional
    Output shape
bound : {'dft', 'dct{1|2|3|4}', 'dst{1|2|3|4}'}, default='dct2'
    Boundary conditions.
    Can also be one for {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'},
    in which case the count image may have D channels.
has_identity : bool, default=False
    - If False, `flow` is contains relative displacement.
    - If True, `flow` contains absolute coordinates.

count : (..., *shape_out, 1|D) tensor
    Count image

def grad(image, flow, bound='dct2', has_identity=False): ...
"""Compute spatial gradients of image according to a (voxel) displacement field.

image : (..., *shape_in, C) tensor
    Input image.
flow : (..., *shape_out, D) tensor
    Displacement field, in voxels.
bound : {'dft', 'dct{1|2|3|4}', 'dst{1|2|3|4}'}, default='dct2'
    Boundary conditions.
    Can also be one for {'circulant', 'neumann', 'dirichlet', 'sliding'},
    in which case the image is assumed to be a flow field.
has_identity : bool, default=False
    - If False, `flow` is contains relative displacement.
    - If True, `flow` contains absolute coordinates.

grad : (..., *shape_out, C, D) tensor
    Sampled gradients


Scaling-and-squaring and Geodesic Shooting layers in PyTorch







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