Hi 👋
Let’s make sure we’ve got everything.
It is recommended to have (cluster-admin) access to a K8s cluster
A local one like kind, k3d, Docker Destop etc. is totally fine
☝️ If you just want to listen, that’s fine too ☝️
☝️ Just keep in mind we got some HandsOn stuff ☝️
Credentials for AWS, Digitalocean or Azure
One is enough
More than one is also fine
☝️ This ist also optional, as we repeat only stuff we did with our local Kubernetes resources ☝️ # Crossplane
The cloud native control plane framework
I just started with Asciidoc
Missed to create Slides
Some topics are mentioned (too) often
Please don’t hurt me
Why are you here?
What do you expect?
The cloud native control plane framework
Universal control plane
We know control planes
Hey we know Kubernetes .. so?!!!
It is about getting/managing additional resources
Even Crossplane ist much more then managing 'cloud' resources
It is even something else
But we know Crossplane for accessing 'cloud' resources
Think about Crossplane like a control plane for everything
Giving you some gluecode CRDs on top
I’m still critical regarding Crossplane
Hope it is fine to have a critical approach 🤔
# # Basics ./. Managed Resource
It is all about managing
Managed Resources
Like in Kubernetes
Not only cloud
Everything with an API :)
This is why we use API- and Cloud-Resources/CRDs alternately
API resources
Cloud resources
Cloud [resource] CRD
As our well known CRDs \o/
So we manage them like i.e. Deployments
Having i.e. a control loop
Status …
Later we install Providers
Getting Cloud/API specific CRDs
Declaring API resources
Reconciliation (looping) API resources
Like we know
is still our friend <3
So Crossplane (Providers) offers something like Terraform?!
Jain 🇩🇪
It is declarative (Kubernetes way)
Crossplane offers something on top of the Cloud Resources (later)
Pun: Crossplane switches to Terraform/Jit Providers
The cloud native control plane framework
(With Kubernetes you know at least one control plane 😇) # More than offering CRDs for API-resources
Managing AWS Resources without Crossplane → https://aws-controllers-k8s.github.io/community/
A lot like this exsists
Crossplane is more
CRDs on top of the API/Cloud-CRDs
So it leverages Kubernetes
So Crossplane offers CRDs on top of (Cloud/API) CRDs
This is the basic idea of Crossplane
Hint: Kube-bind → https://github.com/kube-bind/ (replacing providers)
Divide between Consumers and Infra
Infra packages the Api/Cloud CRDs [into Compositions]
Infra masquerades them behind a CompositeResourceDefinition
Dev consumes only the CompositeResourceDefinition
The CompositeResourceDefinition hides the complexity
Maybe think about the Infra team as your cloud provider
CompositeResourceDefinition (XRD)
Composite Resource (XR)
Claim (XRD)
Composite Resources are opinionated Kubernetes Resources
Instead of using 'Managed Resources' directly
A Composition creates a bundle of 'Managed Resources'
Think about a Helm Chart bundling a lot of Resources
Just get the idea.
We are repeating it anyway
kind: compostition version: apiextensions.crossplane.io/v1 metadata: name: jupp labels: crossplane.io/xrd: newworld.my.own.stuff provider: aws ... spec: compositeTypeRef: <<-- XRD reference apiextensions: my.own.stuff/v1 kind: newworld resources: the bundle of resources - name: databae base: kind: RDSInstance apiVersion: database.aws.crossplane.io/v1beta1 ... - name: base: kind: ELB apiVersion: apiVersion: elasticloadbalancing.aws.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 ...
XRDs are opinionated CRDs for a Composition (XR)
So follows [OpenAPIv3](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#specifying-a-structural-schema) (like "all" CRDs)
It exposes the Composition
It exposes the Composition configuration
Again think about Helm and the
But Helm as CRD (Helmoperator)
Just get the idea.
We are repeating it anyway
apiVersion: apiextensions.crossplane.io/v1 kind: CompositeResourceDefinition metadata: name: newworld.my.own.stuff spec: group: my.own.stuff names: newworld kind: claimNames: kind newworld: versions: <<-- Standard openAPVv3 Schema
Attention: The Composition and the XRD "describe" the same Resource
Erkan: Explain the "Offering Concept" (of Compositions) in Crossplane.
In the end the best feature :)
As CompositeResourceDefinition (XRD) is an CRD
Limit consumers to only (some) XRDs only
Instead of giving cloud access away
Again: Also hiding complexity
Think about the Helmoperator
Claim of
Composite Resorce Definition (XDR)
Generates an Composite Resource (XR)
Configured by the Composition
The XR manages the Managed Resources (MR)
Works with multiple Providers (XR(D) 1:n Compostions)
Using something like (in your Claim XR)
compositionSelector machtLabels: provider: lala
This is an idea I asked Crossplane to put into there docs :)
Compare it to Operators
So there is an Operator and a CustomResourceDefinition
Has a opinionated CRD ⇒ XRD
Instead of Operator we’ve got Compositions
They just configure a specific Controller (kinda)
Patches (passing configuration from XRD → XR)
The Infra Team creates/manages the XRDs
The Devs consume the XRDs
Reconciliation Loop all the time
All as Code
GitOps (aka everything is i Git)
Shifting Left (to the Devs)
Giving Complexity to the Ops aka Infra
We just use Helm to install the framework:
kubectl api-resources --api-group=apiextensions.crossplane.io helm repo add crossplane-stable https://charts.crossplane.io/stable helm repo update helm upgrade --install crossplane --create-namespace -n crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane --wait kubectl api-resources --api-group=apiextensions.crossplane.io
Get all Crossplane related Resources
Yes Crossplane creates
"Now" you know what
kubectl get crossplane
Get all managed resources
Should be empty
kubectl get managed
Check other
kubectl get crd -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,CATEGORIES:.spec.names.categories
Our Crossplane has no resources to access
For these wie need to access our backends
Using a Provider
Extends Crossplane with new Managed Resource Types
CRDs for Cloud Resources
Talks with the Cloud-Api
Needs credentials (ProviderConfig)
Installs a Pod
[List of Providers](https://github.com/crossplane-contrib)
[List of Providers](https://github.com/upbound) ☝️ Terraform ☝️
[List of Providers](https://marketplace.upbound.io/providers) ☝️ Terraform ☝️
While Provider install the ProviderControlPlane
ProviderConfig configures the ProviderControlPlane
Most likely providing Credentials ☝️ # Kubernetes Provider
Manage Kubernetes Ressources using Crossplane
It doesn’t need to be Cloud
Using Provider CRDs
Create multi-bundle Compositions
Create XRD
The Kubernetes Providers has some special features
We will ignore this for the sake to focus on Crossplane core features.
Maybe you like the (missing) features
A way to integrate "vanilla" Kubernetes
→ Multi-provider Deployments
something else?
Again create/install a Provider
kubectl apply -f provider-kubernetes/provider.yaml --wait kubectl -n crossplane-system get pods
Provide cluster-admin privileges to the ServiceAccount
(We could also provide a kubeconfig (remote accessing a K8s))
Provide cluster-admin privileges
SA=$(kubectl -n crossplane-system get sa -o name | grep provider-kubernetes | sed -e 's|serviceaccount\/|crossplane-system:|g') kubectl create clusterrolebinding provider-kubernetes-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount="${SA}" kubectl apply -f provider-kubernetes/ProviderConfig.yaml
$ kubectl api-resources --api-group=kubernetes.crossplane.io NAME SHORTNAMES APIVERSION NAMESPACED KIND objects kubernetes.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false Object providerconfigs kubernetes.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false ProviderConfig providerconfigusages kubernetes.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false ProviderConfigUsage
So that’s all
This is straight forward
We putting a K8s-Object into our Crossplane-Object
That’s it
apiVersion: kubernetes.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 kind: Object metadata: name: sample-namespace spec: forProvider: manifest: apiVersion: ... Put your K8s-object .............. in here 👍️👍️👍️👍️ providerConfigRef: name: kubernetes-provider
kubectl apply -f provider-kubernetes/simple.pod.yaml kubectl get object.kubernetes.crossplane.io/kubernetes-provider-pod kubectl get pods
Let’s delete the Pod
Let’s run on window/pane with
watch kubectl get pods
kubectl delete Pod kubernetes-provider-pod
We have something like
This is no deep dive into the Kubernetes provider
It just - also - works without having a cloud provider access
Simplifies the Workshop
To get the idea
We could use complex Objects
But for what?
But there is another Problem
Managing komplex K8s-resources inside an Object
⇒ Run your own templating system
kubectl delete -f provider-kubernetes/twopods.yaml
Of course our XRD is still missing
Apply it
kubectl apply -f provider-kubernetes/twopods-composition.yaml kubectl get composition.apiextensions.crossplane.io/xtwopods.acme.example.org
Check and apply
kubectl api-resources --api-group=acme.example.org kubectl apply -f provider-kubernetes/twopods-xrd.yaml kubectl api-resources --api-group=acme.example.org ---
Claims are namespaced resources
Check and apply
kubectl create ns abc kubectl -n abc get claim kubectl -n abc apply -f provider-kubernetes/twopods.yaml kubectl -n abc get claim
kubectl apply -f provider-kubernetes/twopods.yaml
## Anfangs ganz einfach. Wir exposen nur die Replicas und version mit HPA, Service i.e.
Ein XRD-XR machen mit einem small/medium/large mapping (Patches) bei dem sich die replicas und resources ändern
Managing Helm Releases
Use the Provider CRDs
Create XRD
Create Composition
We need to install the Provider
kubectl apply -f provider-helm/provider.yaml
Check the new Pod
kubectl -n crossplane-system get pods
$ kubectl api-resources --api-group=helm.crossplane.io NAME SHORTNAMES APIVERSION NAMESPACED KIND providerconfigs helm.crossplane.io/v1beta1 false ProviderConfig providerconfigusages helm.crossplane.io/v1beta1 false ProviderConfigUsage releases helm.crossplane.io/v1beta1 false Release
We need to tell the Pod/Provider which Credentials to use
Lets empower the ServiceAccount the helm-provider runs with:
SA=$(kubectl -n crossplane-system get sa -o name | grep provider-helm | sed -e 's|serviceaccount\/|crossplane-system:|g') kubectl create clusterrolebinding provider-helm-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount="${SA}"
kubectl apply -f provider-helm/providerconfig.yaml
This example uses directly the release object
Nothing from the Crossplane "overhead" is used
kubectl apply -f kafka-release.yaml --wait kubectl get releases.helm.crossplane.io
Get all Resorces managed by Crossplane
kubectl get managed
$ kubectl get releases.helm.crossplane.io NAME CHART VERSION SYNCED READY STATE REVISION DESCRIPTION AGE kafka-example kafka 19.1.4 True True deployed 1 Install complete 4m36s
SYNCED tells us about the connection to the API
We got a helm release
helm -n kafka ls
Deleting the Helm Release should trigger the Controller
helm -n kafka delete kafka-example
Check it out :)
We start with a simple example
Using the release CRD
We would be to utilise all the
As a Consumer
I want to use Kafka
In a simple way
As an Infra/Ops
I want to provide a Kafka API/CRD
Hiding complexity
Reducing 'attack' vectors
Create an XRD kafka.example.org
Having only replicas configurable
Create the matching XR
Have fun
kubectl delete -f kafka-release.yaml
Lets start with the Consumer side
Lets use
to define the number of replicas
apiVersion: apiextensions.crossplane.io/v1 kind: CompositeResourceDefinition metadata: name: kafka.acme.example.org spec: group: acme.example.org names: kafka kind: versions: <<-- Standard openAPVv3 Schema
kubectl apply -f provider-helm/xrd.yaml kubectl get xrd ---
Let’s have a look into the file
kubectl apply -f provider-helm/composition.yaml kubectl get compostions ---
Let’s have a look into the file
How ist the Compostion connected to the XRD *
We worked with Managed Resources
But that’s not the way!
This ist the Way:
Use the Provider CRDs
Create XRD
Create Composition
We could use other/additional ProviderConfig
Deploying to remote Cluster
🐘 in the room … GitOps
Have/Create an Accesstoken
Web -→ API → Generate New Token
CLI is used. Feel free to use Web -
FYI: The quality of the Providers differ a lot :/
$ kubectl apply -f provider-digitalocean/provider.yaml $ kubectl get provider.pkg.crossplane.io/provider-do -w
Still not configured
kubectl -n crossplane-system create secret generic provider-do-secret --from-literal=token=<YOURTOKEN> kubectl apply -f provider-digitalocean/providerconfig.yaml
$ kubectl api-resources | grep do.crossplane.io droplets compute.do.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false Droplet dodatabaseclusters database.do.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false DODatabaseCluster providerconfigs do.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false ProviderConfig providerconfigusages do.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false ProviderConfigUsage dokubernetesclusters kubernetes.do.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false DOKubernetesCluster lbs loadbalancer.do.crossplane.io/v1alpha1 false Lb
Create a K8s Cluster
As Managed Ressource
Take some time
kubectl apply -f provider-digitalocean/k8s-cluster.yaml
Check Progress:
watch -n 5 kubectl get dokubernetescluster.kubernetes.do.crossplane.io/digitalocean-k8s
watch -n 5 doctl kubernetes cluster get digitalocean-k8s
writeConnectionSecretToRef: name: digitalocean-k8s namespace: default
kubectl get secret digitalocean-k8s -o json | jq -r '.data.kubeconfig' | base64 -d >/tmp/do-kubeconfig.yaml kubectl --kubeconfig /tmp/do-kubeconfig.yaml get nodes
Create a Bucket Explain syncing: Aka syncing with the remote api Check for Sync status Delete the Bucker via aws cli Check the K8sobject Terrible example :)