The Shoeshine Shop. Focused on software collaboration development by constructing and creating countermeasures in safeguarding our technological freedoms. We believe in using creative and novel ways to prevent acts of malicious intent of violence to others though the use of Technology.
Thank you for your intrest in the The Shoeshine Shop. The shineshop is inspired with its motovations behind what goes into the the craftsmanship of a shoeshime as the for the artists who uses a shoeshine as canvas. From the ground up, a shoe is constructed in levels with layers in varying different parts. Software is also art, in which layers of code are meshed together interweaving the complexities of forms in style of each artisin. It takes many people with their own unique styles to produce a coheisive whole, where all can say they see something different with each view.
This project's aim is to coloborate and work with artisins who in the core of their being believe in building, constructing and creating things which make a difference in the lives of others, who take ownershhip and believe in their works. Aas a collective internetworked journey we hope to open pathways of develoment for the future of iterations of yet which is unseen.
The founders of The Shoe Shine Shop are open to suggestions and want to work with you in doing your part to help make a difference in the lives of others who do not seek fame, credentials, or any of any of the hoopala, which come with doing what is right by the univesal laws of humanist philosophical principals.
Please provide us feedback. We value your expertise and want to hear from you. We are seeking, administrators, contributors, moderators, reviewers, and others who are interested in sharing a bit of their time building what we hope will be a coloboritive effort building a project which is maintained by many different sources who are passionate about the future and are excited about all of the possibilities which lay on the pathroad of the future.