Ballerina Cassandra Client is used to connect Ballerina with Cassandra data source. With the Ballerina Cassandra client following operations are supported.
- update - To execute a data or schema update query
- select - To select data from the datasource
- close - To close the cassandra connection.
Version | |
Ballerina Language | Swan Lake Preview1 |
Cassandra module | 0.99.0 |
Extract and copy containing jars in to <BRE_HOME>/bre/lib/
If you want to build Ballerina Cassandra Connector from the source code:
- Get a clone or download the source from this repository:
- Run the following Maven command from the ballerina directory: mvn clean install
- Extract the distribution created at
. Run the install.{sh/bat} script to install the module. You can uninstall the module by running uninstall.{sh/bat}.
import ballerinax/cassandra as c;
import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/jsonutils;
import ballerina/xmlutils;
type Person record {
int id;
string name;
float salary;
public function main() {
c:Client conn = new ({
host: "localhost",
port: 9042,
username: "cassandra",
password: "cassandra",
options: {
queryOptionsConfig: {consistencyLevel: "ONE", defaultIdempotence: false},
protocolOptionsConfig: {sslEnabled: false},
socketOptionsConfig: {connectTimeoutMillis: 500, readTimeoutMillis: 1000},
poolingOptionsConfig: {maxConnectionsPerHostLocal: 5, newConnectionThresholdLocal: 10}
var returned = conn->update("CREATE KEYSPACE testballerina WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy'," +
"'replication_factor' : 3}");
handleUpdate(returned, "Keyspace testballerina creation");
returned = conn->update("CREATE TABLE testballerina.person(id int PRIMARY KEY,name text,salary float,income double," +
"married boolean)");
handleUpdate(returned, "Table person creation");
c:Parameter pID = {cqlType: c:TYPE_INT, value: 1};
c:Parameter pName = {cqlType: c:TYPE_TEXT, value: "Anupama"};
c:Parameter pSalary = {cqlType: c:TYPE_FLOAT, value: 100.5};
c:Parameter pIncome = {cqlType: c:TYPE_DOUBLE, value: 1000.5};
c:Parameter pMarried = {cqlType: c:TYPE_BOOLEAN, value: true};
returned = conn->update("INSERT INTO testballerina.person(id, name, salary, income, married) values (?,?,?,?,?)",
pID, pName, pSalary, pIncome, pMarried);
handleUpdate(returned, "Insert One Row to Table person");
var selectRet = conn->query("select id, name, salary from testballerina.person where id = ?", Person, pID);
if (selectRet is table<Person>) {
foreach var row in selectRet {
io:println("Person:" + + "|" + + "|" + row.salary.toString());
selectRet = conn->query("select id, name, salary from testballerina.person where id = ? and name = ?" +
"ALLOW FILTERING", Person, pID, pName);
if (selectRet is table<record {}>) {
json jsonRet = jsonutils:fromTable(selectRet);
io:println("JSON: ", jsonRet);
} else {
io:println("Select data from person table failed: " + selectRet.message());
selectRet = conn->query("select id, name, salary from testballerina.person where salary = ? ALLOW FILTERING",
Person, pSalary);
if (selectRet is table<record {}>) {
xml xmlRet = xmlutils:fromTable(selectRet);
io:println("XML: ", xmlRet);
} else {
io:println("Select data from person table failed: " + selectRet.message());
returned = conn->update("DROP KEYSPACE testballerina");
handleUpdate(returned, "Drop keyspace testballerina");
io:println("Connection closed.");
function handleUpdate(()|error returned, string message) {
if (returned is ()) {
io:println(message + " success ");
} else {
io:println(message + " failed: " + returned.message());