In some configurations Tobii exports data in a wide format in which each area of interest (AOIs) is represented by a column and a value of 1 indicates a hit. All columns containing 0 or -1 are irrelevant. By including only hits (1) and rendering data in a long format by ID and AOI (column name), the resulting data is much smaller and more well adapted for further analysis.
The script parses a Tobii eyetracker .tsv output file to produce:
- an AOIFILE with all AOI hits indexed by an ID (long format)
- an IDFILE with participant and event information indexed by ID
The data in AOIFILE
can be joined using the ID column.
By default the script removes the leading "AOI[" and trailing ""]Hit"" from
AOIs. This trimming can be disabled by specifying: -v NOTRIM=1
Column headers can be disabled by specifying: -v NOHEADERS=1
Default filenames are aois.tsv and ids.tsv for AOIs and IDs, respectively.
Custom filenames can be specified using -v AOIFILE=custom-aoi.tsv
-v IDFILE=custom-ids.tsv
gawk -f tobii-aoi-wide-to-long.awk exported-tobii-data.tsv
Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
Kristoffer Winther Balling ( & Laura Winther Balling (