Buzz is a scaling platform which allows Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) to scale beyond the limits of a single set and enables hyper-scale stress tests, DDoS simulators and HPC use cases.
Buzz orchestrates a number of Azure components to manage high scale clusters of VMs running and performing the same actions, such as generating load on an endpoint, as in the implemented scenario.
Buzz uses Durable Functions runtime exposing the following APIs:
body: { "name": "LOAD", "scale": 1000 }
body: { "name": "LOAD" }
1. create a storage
resource_group=[resource group name] location=westeurope source_storage_name=[source storage name] source_application_folder=applications source_client_application_uri= destination_blob_name=wget.exe
az group create --name $resource_group --location $location
az storage account create --name $source_storage_name --resource-group $resource_group --location $location --sku Standard_LRS
az storage container create --name $source_application_folder --account-name $source_storage_name --public-access blob
az storage blob copy start --destination-blob $destination_blob_name --destination-container $source_application_folder --account-name $source_storage_name --source-uri $source_client_application_uri
source_storage_key=[storage account key]
2. register application for ARM RBAC subscription_id=[subscription id] rbac_name=[rbac application name] az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $rbac_name --role="Contributor" --scopes=/subscriptions/$subscription_id
sp_app_id = [client id] sp_app_secret=[client password] tenant_id=[tenant id]
3. create oms workspace
oms_workspace_id=[oms workspace id] oms_workspace_key=[oms workspace key]
4. create function function_name=[function app name] function_storage_name=[function storage name] az storage account create --name $function_storage_name --location $location --resource-group $resource_group --sku Standard_LRS
az functionapp create --name $function_name --storage-account $function_storage_name --consumption-plan-location $location --resource-group $resource_group
az functionapp config appsettings set --name $function_name --resource-group $resource_group --settings FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION=~2
5. [OPTIONAL]: deploy test function test_function_name=[function app name] test_function_storage_name=[function storage name] az storage account create --name $test_function_storage_name --location $location --resource-group $resource_group --sku Standard_LRS
az functionapp create --name $test_function_name --storage-account $test_function_storage_name --consumption-plan-location $location --resource-group $resource_group
url=[function url with code]
6. deploy and configure
script_file_uri= deployment_template_uri= command_to_execute="powershell.exe set-executionpolicy remotesigned & powershell.exe -file install.ps1 -url $url" node_admin_name=azureuser node_admin_password=Qwerty12#456 az functionapp config appsettings set --resource-group $resource_group --name $function_name --settings ApplicationId=$sp_app_id ApplicationSecret=$sp_app_secret TenantId=$tenant_id SubscriptionId=$subscription_id SourceStorageName=$source_storage_name SourceStorageKey=$source_storage_key SourceAppsContainerName=$source_application_folder ScriptFileUri=$script_file_uri TemplateFileUri=$deployment_template_uri CommandToExecute="$command_to_execute" Region=$location NodeUserName=$node_admin_name NodeUserPassword=$node_admin_password MaxVmsInScaleSet=600 WaitTime=6 OmsWorkspaceId=$oms_workspace_id OmsWorkspaceKey=$oms_workspace_key
az functionapp deployment source config --resource-group $resource_group --name $function_name --repo-url
clone the repo to your local drive and configure the provided settings.json according to the previous steps.
The platform can run any client application with a few minor changes.
- Any item in "applications" container of the data storage account will be downloaded to each VM node.
- To change node behavior and client installations process reference your own customized powershell script from the function configuration.
- To Change VM type or OS, reference your own customized ARM template from the function configuration.
Full code story and design considerations here: