- add podfile for iOS
- fix: store audio settings #65
- KI first attacks players which are close to victory
- Play sound when reaching ladder
- Rearrange kills, menu/option buttons
- Show progress bars
- fix: positioning in green new game button
- audio in start menu
- replace menu icon
- preload all audio
- add button to get back to start screen (start new game)/Fix: new game #55
- fix: Info/Audio button cut off on IPhone (hopefully...) #56
- fix: Placement Info/Intro/Winner #52
- fix: repaint multi/single player #57
- hotfix info/audio button positioning
- add info HUD (round + kills) for single player
- replace font
- make AI more aware of danger zones
- add audio and audio toggler
- change info button
- Upgrade flutter and flame
- Minor refactoring, hopefully fix iOS start screen bug
- Clean up new game screen
- Different UI hotseat/single player, enlarge dices
- Pimp gfx
- UI rearrange
- Add hotseat
- Bug: failed can move on bench check
- Bug: overshoot in heaven
- Bug: move with 12 from bench 68 not possible #49
- Buttons have color of current player
- Throw dice when tapping on heaven
- Reduce graphic size sprites
- Bench check according to 'official' rules
- Added tests
- Fix some bench issues
- Prepare hot seat
- Android config
- Fix: android chrome error
- Pimp victory screen
- Fix 12 12 x problem for humans #36
- Fix: show bodycount of best killer
- Added routes
- Added Victory screen fullscreen
- First move with tokens out in the wild, then with those on benches/ladder
- Added info screen
- Fix: Restart game when someone has won
- Violet to purple
- Block bench to heaven
- Fix: 12 to heaven
- Fix: Center dice numbers
- Restart game when three players are finished
- Fix: AI didn't really look kor killing opportunities
- Fix: arrange tokens on ladders
- AI: a bit more intelligent, checks if a token can move on a bench or kill
- Fix: some refactoring
- Feature: Show triple 6 message
- Fix: comicify graphics
- Add fonts
- Feature: Throw again with a 6
- Feature: Send all home with 3x6
- Fix: Fix mismatch horizontal ladders