Eile mit Weile App written in Flutter with Flame.
("Hâte-toi lentement", "Chi va piano va sano", "Swiss Ludo", "Swiss Parchisi", "Pachisi")
This app uses the common Eile mit Weile rules ("Hâte-toi lentement", "Swiss Ludo", "Swiss Parchisi").
In short:
- You need a 5 to get into the game
- With a six you can move 12 fields (directly shown as 12) and you can throw the dice again
- Three six in a row -> all tokens go gome (except those on ladders and in heaven)
- Two tokens and more on a bench block the field for others passing through. Others can move up on the bench though. Tokens who were on the bench before the blockade started can still move.
For more information about Eile mit Weile see:
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eile_mit_Weile (German)
https://eile-mit-weile.ch/blog/?page_id=151 (German)
Check/create issues on GitHub.
This is my first Flutter project, therefore the code also needs heavy refactoring.
Contact: d.berger@dontsniff.co.uk // Twitter: @bergerwthur
Thanks to the Eile-mit-Weile-WM-Team and my dear Madlaina Shouts also to the other beta people: Michi N., Lexi B., Adam H., Sämi S. and all the others
Sound effects from Super Dialogue Audio Pack (https://bckr.itch.io/sdap) by Dillon Becker (https://dillonbecker.com/). This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)