This package is an example endpoint for Antenna based CocoaLumberjack logger.
Install the package, then start it:
npm install express-antenna-cocoalumberjack
node node_modules/express-antenna-cocoalumberjack/app.js
To configure it, you can supply the following env variables:
To verify that the server is running, point your browser to http://yourhost:3205/ping/.
On the objective-c project:
Add AFNetworking
(2.0), CocoaLumberjack
and DDAntennaLogger
to your Podfile
pod 'AFNetworking'
pod 'CocoaLumberjack'
pod 'DDAntennaLogger', :git => ''
Then run:
pod install
Then in your appdelegate.m
[[Antenna sharedLogger] addChannelWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:3205/log/"] method:@"POST"];
[[Antenna sharedLogger] startLoggingApplicationLifecycleNotifications];
DDAntennaLogger *logger = [[DDAntennaLogger alloc] initWithAntenna:[Antenna sharedLogger]];
[DDLog addLogger:logger];
DDLogInfo(@"DDAntennaLogger is cool!");
Enjoy it!