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VersionBuild StatusTry @banked/node on RunKit

The Banked Node library provides convenient access to the Banked API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.


Install the package with

npm install @banked/node
# or
yarn add @banked/node


The package needs to be configured with your account's API and secret keys, these are available Banked's console.

const Banked = require('@banked/node');
const banked = new Banked({
  api_key: 'Your API key',
  secret_key: 'Your secret key'

Alternatively, you can configure access using an OAuth access token.

const Banked = require('@banked/node');
const banked = new Banked({
  access_token: 'Your access token'

All of node libraries public methods throw with a ValidationError when called with incorrect arguments.


Single Payments

The Banked Node library allows you to create, read and delete payments with the Banked API. All of the payment methods return a promise (sourced from the axios client).

See Banked's Payment API docs for more information on request and response formats.

const Banked = require('@banked/node');
const banked = new Banked({
  api_key: 'Your API key',
  secret_key: 'Your secret key'

// 1. Create a payment
const payment = await banked.payments.create({
  reference: "Banked NodeSDK",
  success_url: "",
  error_url: "",
  line_items: [
      name: "A line item name",
      amount: 1267,
      currency: "GBP",
      description: "A line item description",
      quantity: 1
  payee: {
    name: "Example Ltd.",
    account_number: "00000000",
    sort_code: "000000"

// 2. Read a payment
const payment = await'1ae1ce03-dfa9-4593-b487-65c656991cb5');

// 3. Delete a payment
const response = await banked.payments.delete('1ae1ce03-dfa9-4593-b487-65c656991cb5');

Banked's payments returns a paymentSession object when created and read.

Batch Payments

The library supports the creating and reading og batch payments. See Banked's Batch Payment API docs for more information on request and response formats.

// 1. Create a batch payment
const payment = await banked.payments.batch.create({
  success_url: "",
  error_url: "",
  provider_id: "1ae1ce03-dfa9-4593-b487-65c656991cb5"
  bank_account_id: "c871dfaf-0d46-499d-a525-904077a15228"
  currency: "GBP",
  payees: [{
  	name: "The Gray, Gandalf",
  	account_number: "00000000",
  	sort_code: "000000",
  	reference: "For bleaching robes",
  	amount: 100,
  	client_id: "517da199-33ac-41fd-81b1-79cd64b4db28"
	}, {
  	name: "Son of Arathorn, Aragorn",
  	account_number: "00000000",
  	sort_code: "000000",
  	reference: "Sword fixing",
  	amount: 100,
  	client_id: "4c994a06-988e-4c10-93ec-9697d7bb6026"
	}, {
  	name: "Took, Peregrin",
  	account_number: "00000000",
  	sort_code: "000000",
  	reference: "Second breakfast",
  	amount: 100,
  	client_id: "4b2c6266-a8b0-41f4-9595-bf54e69b8851"

// 2. Read a batch payment
const payment = await'e80dd64e-d8a2-42e9-8e05-091a737b43b6');


The library also supports the verification of webhook signatures

const Banked = require('@banked/node');
const banked = new Banked({
  api_key: 'Your API key',
  secret_key: 'Your secret key'

const verification = await banked.webhooks.validate({
  payload_header: '', // (String) The 'Banked-Signature' HTTP header from the webhook
  payload: '', // (String) The body of the webhook
  signature: '', // (String) The signature key you uploaded to the Banked console
  time_range: { // An optional key, which validates if the request was signed within a prescribed period
    start: '', // (String) An ISO date
    end: '' // (String) An ISO date
// {
//  isValid: true/false,
//  isWithinRange: true/false // only returned if time_range is passed in
// }

Bank Accounts

The libary supports listing the bank acocunts that are connected to your Banked account

const bankAccounts = await banked.bankAccounts.list();


The library supports listing the providers available via Banked

const providers = await banked.providers.list();



$ npm test # run tests with Jest
$ npm run coverage # run tests with coverage and open it on browser
$ npm run lint # lint code
$ npm run docs # generate docs
$ npm run build # generate docs and transpile code


Run the following commands to release a new version to NPM.

$ npm run release
$ npm run publish
$ npm publish

It'll automatically run test, lint, docs, build, generate, and push commits and tags to the remote repository.

Currently @Joe8Bit and @tomwaddington have release bits.
