E Learner is an online learning platform for students who would want to learn short courses or upgrade their specific skills in any field of preference.
- Reactjs - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps
- Firebase - A mobile and web application development platform
- React-bootstrap - A front-end framework
- Git clone repository
git clone <repo_url>
- Install all dependencies
npm install
npm start
- Users can create their own user account.
- Users can create an account using google.
- Users can create an account using github
- Users can sign in.
- Users can sign in with Google or Github
- Users can view all courses.
- Users can view a specific course.
- Users can enroll in a specific course of choice.
- Courses enrolled in by a user can be viewed on My Courses page.
- Users can Sign out or terminate a session.
Routes | Pages |
/ |
homepage |
/sign_up |
signup |
/sign_in |
login |
/courses |
courses |
/my_courses |
my courses |
/about |
about |
- Frontend on Heroku
- Developed by myself