For Vue CLI Project, Generate pages with contents and anchors from markdown files according to the configuration.
$ npm install webpack-md-html-loader -D
$ npm install vue-md-page -S
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
import mdPage from 'vue-md-page'
mdPage(router, {
path: '/doc', // optional, parent router, default /doc
LayoutComponent: Custom, // optional, Vue Component, page layout, if no, use default
ContentComponent: Custom, // optional, Vue Component, content page, if no, use default
contents: [ // required, files and routes
name: 'About Me', // directory
children: [
key: 'intro', // router path, if no, use name, visit /#/doc/intro
name: 'Introduction', // page name
file: '@/doc/' // markdown file, prefix width @/
{ name: '', children: [] }
{ key: '', name: '', file: '' }