A mix between the native iOS 8 gallery and facebooks image picker.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
To use it in you own project
BSImagePickerViewController *imagePicker = [BSImagePickerViewController new];
// Present image picker. Any of the blocks can be nil
[self bs_presentImagePickerController:imagePicker
select:^(PHAsset * __nonnull asset) {
// User selected an asset.
// Do something with it, start upload perhaps?
} deselect:^(PHAsset * __nonnull asset) {
// User deselected an assets.
// Do something, cancel upload?
} cancel:^(NSArray * __nonnull assets) {
// User cancelled. And this where the assets currently selected.
} finish:^(NSArray * __nonnull assets) {
// User finished with these assets
} completion:nil];
let vc = BSImagePickerViewController()
bs_presentImagePickerController(vc, animated: true,
select: { (asset: PHAsset) -> Void in
// User selected an asset.
// Do something with it, start upload perhaps?
}, deselect: { (asset: PHAsset) -> Void in
// User deselected an assets.
// Do something, cancel upload?
}, cancel: { (assets: [PHAsset]) -> Void in
// User cancelled. And this where the assets currently selected.
}, finish: { (assets: [PHAsset]) -> Void in
// User finished with these assets
}, completion: nil)
You have access to the cancel, album and done button. Customize them as you would with any other UIBarButtonItem (cancel & finish) or UIButton (album).
There are also a few other settings you can tweak.They are documented in BSImagePickerSettings.
Documentation @ cocoadocs
Not happy with the fetch results (camera roll and albums) that BSImagePicker uses as default? You can initialize it with your own!
iOS 8
BSImagePicker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "BSImagePicker", "~> 1.4.0"
Joakim Gyllström, joakim@backslashed.se
BSImagePicker is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.