The repository includes examples of flow simulation with PetIBM. Each example provides the set of input data and the python post-processing scripts.
To run the examples, you can either install PetIBM on your machine or use our Docker image.
To install PetIBM locally, please refer to these instructions.
To pull the Docker image (tag is last used to run these examples):
docker pull docker pull barbagroup/petibm:0.5.1-GPU-OpenMPI-xenial
To post-process the numerical solution, we provide python scripts.
To install the packages required to execute the scripts, we recommend creating a conda
environment with:
conda env create --name=petibm-example --file=environment.yml
Note that most examples are set to solve the Poisson system on a GPU using the NVIDIA AmgX library and require a CUDA-capable GPU device. Of course, you can always modify the configuration files to run all solvers on CPUs.
- 2D array of decaying vortices at Re=10 (convergence analysis)
- Navier-Stokes solver
- Immersed boundary projection method (IBPM)
- Decoupled IBPM
- 2D flow around an impulsively started circular cylinder at Re=40 and 550
- 2D unsteady flow past a stationary circular cylinder at Re=100
- 2D flapping wing at Re=75
- 2D flow around an inline oscillating cylinder at Re=100 and KC=5
- 3D steady flow around an inclined flat plate at Re=100
- 3D steady flow around a sphere at Re=50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300
- 3D unsteady flow around a sphere at Re=350
To report bugs or ask questions, please use the GitHub issue tracking system. We also welcome pull-requests.