I spent the time making the decisions so you don't have to.
You can read the docs folder or the web version
- Simpler Express based server
- Decorators + Classes for Routing
class Auth {
async signup(req, res) {
// handler
- Typed (Mostly...)
- Basic Security (Helmet, Rate Limiting, CORS)
- API testing (Vitest + Mock Server)
- ORM (prisma)
- Migrations (prisma)
- Queue (bull + redis)
- Decorators for Queue Handling based on Worker execution
- View Engine (Nunjucks)
class User {
sendInvite(req, res) {
const email = req.body.email
req.pushToQueue('email', {
type: 'invite',
// jobs/email.queue.ts
class EmailQueueHandler {
@listen('email', 'invite')
handleInviteJob(job) {
// Called from the worker
// process the job
- Compose (Self host services for dev / k8s)
- Fully Docker compatible
- Testing Mocks (Redis)
- Swagger Doc generation using JSDoc - Documentation
* GET /api/ping
* @summary quickly check if the server is running or not
* @returns 200 - success - application/json
ping(req: Request, res: Response) {
req.pushToQueue('test', {
type: '',
return res.send({
success: true,
now: new Date().toISOString(),
Various reasons...., this might be relevant