You're the head chef! Make recipes to upgrade your kitchen. But more kitchen means more cooks... Too Many Cooks!
Written in Python3.4 with PyGame. PyxelEdit was used for art.
Arrows Keys, Space-Bar and 1,2,3,4 keys when a menu appears.
There's no real "end" or win/lose scenario, the last level will continue for ever. Sorry, time, man.
If you're on Windows, we have a portable .exe available at:
Otherwise see the instructions below. Thanks, and enjoy.
Neil 'squeaky-clean' Goldman
Pablo 'screahingturtle' Morera
Special thanks to jangler for helping make the code python2/3 compatible.
If you're on some other OS (or want to run the game straight from the python source), here are the instructions:
Lite Instructions:
- This should work with Python2/3.
- You'll need the correct version of pygame installed for your system/python version.
Detailed Instructions:
You'll need python3.4
(Click the yellow button that says 'Download Python 3.4.2')
You'll need pygame. If you're on windows, you can get it:
(If your PC is 64-bit, look at the amd64 links, otherwise win32 ,
then download the one that ends with "-py3.4.exe"
Double click game.bat (or run "python")