{ Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, Aquariums, Zoos, Observatories, Nature Reserves}
This dataset pulls together all of the museums and cultural organisations around the world. Currently 43249 organisations are in the dataset.
The organisations
folder contains a series of folders with the first 3 numbers of the ID. Under that is a file for each organisation. For example:
The records themselves are Schema.org Place records.
The following fields are locallised:
- name
- openingHours
- offers
These will use the @value
and @language
construct from JSON-LD
"openingHours": [
"@value": "Mercoledì - domenica 10-17 settembre chiuso giugno-agosto e giorni di funzionamento giorno di Natale per l'estate 2014-15 sarà presto confermati",
"@language": "it"
"@value": "Среда - воскресенье, сентября 10: 00 утра - 5:00 pm 10.00 - 17.00 закрыт с июня по август и Рождество операционной дней лета 2014-15 будет подтверждено скоро",
"@language": "ru"
Feel free to fork the repo and create a pull request for any updates. Just let me know where the data was sourced.
The data is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license unless otherwise stated. The data included for now are only facts unless the source data was licensed under a permissive license. Further information such as descriptions will be added over time where data can be obtained (via Wikipedia, etc.)