A native high performance NodeJS AMQP module
This native module wraps the SimpleAMQPClient C++ library for nodejs to provide better performance and efficiency.
master | develop |
The API is quite simple.
- uri -> pass uri to connect to broker.
- hostName, port -> pass hostName and port to connect to broker
- Consumer -> creates a new consumer
const amqp = require('node-native-amqp');
let channel = new amqp.Channel({'uri': 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672'});
- queue -> Queue to consume.
- routingKey -> Routing key to bind.
- timeOut -> Default is 250ms (must be 250ms or higher).
- getMessage(cb(err, msg)) -> Callback gets an error and a Message Object.
- getMessageSync -> Return a Message object on success, otherwise throws an error.
- close -> Gracefully removes consumer, notifying the AMQP broker.
let consumer = channel.Consumer({ 'queue': 'jobs',
'routingKey': 'jobs',
'timeOut': 250 });
consumer.getMessage(function(err, msg) {
if (err) {
return console.log('err: ' + err);
- ack -> Acknowledges message. return true if the acknowledge was successful.
- reject(toReque) -> Rejects message. bool toReque defaults to true. if true message is resent to queue.
- value -> Returns a buffer containing the consumed message payload(content)
This library requires the following C/C++ libraries to be installed:
- boost-1.47.0 or newer.
- rabbitmq-c 0.5.1 or newer.
- SimapleAmqpClient 2.4.0 or newer.
Examples can be found in the examples folder