Travel Site DEMO
A hands-on project from Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering The Modern Workflow
Reduce image size for web performance
SVG Icon sprite for web performance
Lazy loading images for web performance
Minified CSS & Javascript for web performance
Reduced amount of HTTP Requests for web performance
Responsive web design (RWD): Mobile-first approach, Responsive images
Support for responsive images and svg icons in legacy browsers
Mixins for Media Queries
Design Patterns -Cleaner Code- using B.E.M
Revealing elements on scroll
Smooth scrolling to anchor links
Add scroll to top feature
Follow the instructions below to set up the environment and run this project on your local machine
- Node.js
- Yarn
- ESLint
- Download ZIP or clone this repository
> git clone
- Install dependencies via NPM
> yarn install
- Install gulp package globally to execute gulp command on your machine
> yarn global add gulp
- Start the website
> gulp watch
- See it up and running on http://localhost:3000
Run the following command (all files will be put inside the folder "docs")
> gulp build
- babel
- jquery
- jquery-smooth-scroll
- waypoints
- lazysizes
- picturefill
- normalize.css
- postcss
- webpack
- gulp
This project follows B.E.M rules to limit cascade and create single-responsibility blocks for making the relationship between HTML and CSS clear
- B: Block - an independent, reusable part of the design
.large-hero { positiion: relative; }
- E: Element (__) - belongs to a block and cannot be used outside of the block it belongs to
.large-hero__title { font-weight: 300; color: #2f5572; font-size: 4.8rem; }
- M: Modifier (--) - can be used on a block or an element to indicate a change to the default state of an object
<a class="btn btn--orange btn--large" ... >
For Mobile First Patterns to 4K Resolution and Up. PS. I use SIZZY for Responsive Test
- 1920w ( 1920px Wide of Image), on the source, smaller images must be put first (In order for browser to understand and which one to choose based on the devices width, screen size, and pixel density) and followed up by large images, when doing Mobile first Approach you gotta use min-width, Where in Desktop Approach you should use max width. (Vice-Versa)
CSS Tricks: Responsive Images Sitepoint: Responsive Images
<picture> <source media="(min-width: 1380px)" srcset="assets/images/hero--large.jpg 1920w, assets/images/hero--large-hi-dpi.jpg 3840w"> <source media="(min-width: 990px)" srcset="assets/images/hero--medium.jpg 1380w, assets/images/hero--medium-hi-dpi.jpg 2760w"> <source media="(min-width: 640px)" srcset="assets/images/hero--small.jpg 990w, assets/images/hero--small-hi-dpi.jpg 1980w"> <img srcset="assets/images/hero--smaller.jpg 640w, assets/images/hero--smaller-hi-dpi.jpg 1280w" alt="Coastal view of ocean and mountains"> </picture>
- sizes means to tell browser that image is going to be displayed at current view port width and current display resolution
<picture> <source sizes="404px" media="(min-width: 1020px)" srcset="assets/images/our-start.jpg 404w, assets/images/our-start-hi-dpi.jpg 808w"> <source sizes="320px" media="(min-width: 800px)" srcset="assets/images/our-start-portrait.jpg 382w, assets/images/our-start-portrait-hi-dpi.jpg 764w"> <img srcset="assets/images/our-start-landscape.jpg" alt="Our founder, Jane Doe"> </picture>
- here I didn't use picture element 'cause I just want to swap resolutions only using srcset, media query starting at 970px, if under 970px mobile won't download hi res / dpi and just dl & use the ~100viewport of device width.
<img sizes="(min-width: 970px) 976px, 100vw" srcset="assets/images/first-trip-low-res.jpg 565w, assets/images/first-trip.jpg 976w, assets/images/first-trip-hi-dpi.jpg 1952w" alt="Couple walking down a street.">