This is a personal learning area for me to cull my notes on coding for the omnirig.
For some reason, I couldn't find a single source for omnirig operation so I'll I had to pull examples from other repositories to discover these methods
The first application I coded was for python so most of the information here will go focused on that language.
Info on Omnirig can be found here:
Methods: unit OmniRig_TLB;
const PM_UNKNOWN = $00000001; PM_FREQ = $00000002; PM_FREQA = $00000004; PM_FREQB = $00000008; PM_PITCH = $00000010; PM_RITOFFSET = $00000020; PM_RIT0 = $00000040; PM_VFOAA = $00000080; PM_VFOAB = $00000100; PM_VFOBA = $00000200; PM_VFOBB = $00000400; PM_VFOA = $00000800; PM_VFOB = $00001000; PM_VFOEQUAL = $00002000; PM_VFOSWAP = $00004000; PM_SPLITON = $00008000; PM_SPLITOFF = $00010000; PM_RITON = $00020000; PM_RITOFF = $00040000; PM_XITON = $00080000; PM_XITOFF = $00100000; PM_RX = $00200000; PM_TX = $00400000; PM_CW_U = $00800000; PM_CW_L = $01000000; PM_SSB_U = $02000000; PM_SSB_L = $04000000; PM_DIG_U = $08000000; PM_DIG_L = $10000000; PM_AM = $20000000; PM_FM = $40000000;
// Constants for enum RigStatusX type RigStatusX = TOleEnum; const ST_NOTCONFIGURED = $00000000; ST_DISABLED = $00000001; ST_PORTBUSY = $00000002; ST_NOTRESPONDING = $00000003; ST_ONLINE = $00000004;
// *********************************************************************//
// Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
// *********************************************************************//
IOmniRigX = interface;
IOmniRigXDisp = dispinterface;
IOmniRigXEvents = dispinterface;
IRigX = interface;
IRigXDisp = dispinterface;
IPortBits = interface;
IPortBitsDisp = dispinterface;
// *********************************************************************//
// Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
// (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
// *********************************************************************//
OmniRigX = IOmniRigX;
RigX = IRigX;
PortBits = IPortBits;
// *********************************************************************// // Interface: IOmniRigX // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {501A2858-3331-467A-837A-989FDEDACC7D} // *********************************************************************// IOmniRigX = interface(IDispatch) ['{501A2858-3331-467A-837A-989FDEDACC7D}'] function Get_InterfaceVersion: Integer; safecall; function Get_SoftwareVersion: Integer; safecall; function Get_Rig1: IRigX; safecall; function Get_Rig2: IRigX; safecall; function Get_DialogVisible: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_DialogVisible(Value: WordBool); safecall; property InterfaceVersion: Integer read Get_InterfaceVersion; property SoftwareVersion: Integer read Get_SoftwareVersion; property Rig1: IRigX read Get_Rig1; property Rig2: IRigX read Get_Rig2; property DialogVisible: WordBool read Get_DialogVisible write Set_DialogVisible; end;
// *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IOmniRigXDisp // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {501A2858-3331-467A-837A-989FDEDACC7D} // *********************************************************************// IOmniRigXDisp = dispinterface ['{501A2858-3331-467A-837A-989FDEDACC7D}'] property InterfaceVersion: Integer readonly dispid 1; property SoftwareVersion: Integer readonly dispid 2; property Rig1: IRigX readonly dispid 3; property Rig2: IRigX readonly dispid 4; property DialogVisible: WordBool dispid 5; end;
// *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IOmniRigXEvents // Flags: (4096) Dispatchable // GUID: {2219175F-E561-47E7-AD17-73C4D8891AA1} // *********************************************************************// IOmniRigXEvents = dispinterface ['{2219175F-E561-47E7-AD17-73C4D8891AA1}'] procedure VisibleChange; dispid 1; procedure RigTypeChange(RigNumber: Integer); dispid 2; procedure StatusChange(RigNumber: Integer); dispid 3; procedure ParamsChange(RigNumber: Integer; Params: Integer); dispid 4; procedure CustomReply(RigNumber: Integer; Command: OleVariant; Reply: OleVariant); dispid 5; end;
// *********************************************************************// // Interface: IRigX // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {D30A7E51-5862-45B7-BFFA-6415917DA0CF} // *********************************************************************// IRigX = interface(IDispatch) ['{D30A7E51-5862-45B7-BFFA-6415917DA0CF}'] function Get_RigType: WideString; safecall; function Get_ReadableParams: Integer; safecall; function Get_WriteableParams: Integer; safecall; function IsParamReadable(Param: RigParamX): WordBool; safecall; function IsParamWriteable(Param: RigParamX): WordBool; safecall; function Get_Status: RigStatusX; safecall; function Get_StatusStr: WideString; safecall; function Get_Freq: Integer; safecall; procedure Set_Freq(Value: Integer); safecall; function Get_FreqA: Integer; safecall; procedure Set_FreqA(Value: Integer); safecall; function Get_FreqB: Integer; safecall; procedure Set_FreqB(Value: Integer); safecall; function Get_RitOffset: Integer; safecall; procedure Set_RitOffset(Value: Integer); safecall; function Get_Pitch: Integer; safecall; procedure Set_Pitch(Value: Integer); safecall; function Get_Vfo: RigParamX; safecall; procedure Set_Vfo(Value: RigParamX); safecall; function Get_Split: RigParamX; safecall; procedure Set_Split(Value: RigParamX); safecall; function Get_Rit: RigParamX; safecall; procedure Set_Rit(Value: RigParamX); safecall; function Get_Xit: RigParamX; safecall; procedure Set_Xit(Value: RigParamX); safecall; function Get_Tx: RigParamX; safecall; procedure Set_Tx(Value: RigParamX); safecall; function Get_Mode: RigParamX; safecall; procedure Set_Mode(Value: RigParamX); safecall; procedure ClearRit; safecall; procedure SetSimplexMode(Freq: Integer); safecall; procedure SetSplitMode(RxFreq: Integer; TxFreq: Integer); safecall; function FrequencyOfTone(Tone: Integer): Integer; safecall; procedure SendCustomCommand(Command: OleVariant; ReplyLength: Integer; ReplyEnd: OleVariant); safecall; function GetRxFrequency: Integer; safecall; function GetTxFrequency: Integer; safecall; function Get_PortBits: IPortBits; safecall; property RigType: WideString read Get_RigType; property ReadableParams: Integer read Get_ReadableParams; property WriteableParams: Integer read Get_WriteableParams; property Status: RigStatusX read Get_Status; property StatusStr: WideString read Get_StatusStr; property Freq: Integer read Get_Freq write Set_Freq; property FreqA: Integer read Get_FreqA write Set_FreqA; property FreqB: Integer read Get_FreqB write Set_FreqB; property RitOffset: Integer read Get_RitOffset write Set_RitOffset; property Pitch: Integer read Get_Pitch write Set_Pitch; property Vfo: RigParamX read Get_Vfo write Set_Vfo; property Split: RigParamX read Get_Split write Set_Split; property Rit: RigParamX read Get_Rit write Set_Rit; property Xit: RigParamX read Get_Xit write Set_Xit; property Tx: RigParamX read Get_Tx write Set_Tx; property Mode: RigParamX read Get_Mode write Set_Mode; property PortBits: IPortBits read Get_PortBits; end;
// *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IRigXDisp // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {D30A7E51-5862-45B7-BFFA-6415917DA0CF} // *********************************************************************// IRigXDisp = dispinterface ['{D30A7E51-5862-45B7-BFFA-6415917DA0CF}'] property RigType: WideString readonly dispid 1; property ReadableParams: Integer readonly dispid 2; property WriteableParams: Integer readonly dispid 3; function IsParamReadable(Param: RigParamX): WordBool; dispid 4; function IsParamWriteable(Param: RigParamX): WordBool; dispid 5; property Status: RigStatusX readonly dispid 6; property StatusStr: WideString readonly dispid 7; property Freq: Integer dispid 8; property FreqA: Integer dispid 9; property FreqB: Integer dispid 10; property RitOffset: Integer dispid 11; property Pitch: Integer dispid 12; property Vfo: RigParamX dispid 13; property Split: RigParamX dispid 14; property Rit: RigParamX dispid 15; property Xit: RigParamX dispid 16; property Tx: RigParamX dispid 17; property Mode: RigParamX dispid 18; procedure ClearRit; dispid 19; procedure SetSimplexMode(Freq: Integer); dispid 20; procedure SetSplitMode(RxFreq: Integer; TxFreq: Integer); dispid 21; function FrequencyOfTone(Tone: Integer): Integer; dispid 22; procedure SendCustomCommand(Command: OleVariant; ReplyLength: Integer; ReplyEnd: OleVariant); dispid 23; function GetRxFrequency: Integer; dispid 24; function GetTxFrequency: Integer; dispid 25; property PortBits: IPortBits readonly dispid 26; end;
// *********************************************************************// // Interface: IPortBits // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {3DEE2CC8-1EA3-46E7-B8B4-3E7321F2446A} // *********************************************************************// IPortBits = interface(IDispatch) ['{3DEE2CC8-1EA3-46E7-B8B4-3E7321F2446A}'] function Lock: WordBool; safecall; function Get_Rts: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_Rts(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_Dtr: WordBool; safecall; procedure Set_Dtr(Value: WordBool); safecall; function Get_Cts: WordBool; safecall; function Get_Dsr: WordBool; safecall; procedure Unlock; safecall; property Rts: WordBool read Get_Rts write Set_Rts; property Dtr: WordBool read Get_Dtr write Set_Dtr; property Cts: WordBool read Get_Cts; property Dsr: WordBool read Get_Dsr; end;
// *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IPortBitsDisp // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {3DEE2CC8-1EA3-46E7-B8B4-3E7321F2446A} // *********************************************************************// IPortBitsDisp = dispinterface ['{3DEE2CC8-1EA3-46E7-B8B4-3E7321F2446A}'] function Lock: WordBool; dispid 1; property Rts: WordBool dispid 2; property Dtr: WordBool dispid 3; property Cts: WordBool readonly dispid 4; property Dsr: WordBool readonly dispid 5; procedure Unlock; dispid 6; end;
// *********************************************************************//
// The Class CoOmniRigX provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
// create instances of the default interface IOmniRigX exposed by
// the CoClass OmniRigX. The functions are intended to be used by
// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
// server of this typelibrary.
// *********************************************************************//
CoOmniRigX = class
class function Create: IOmniRigX;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IOmniRigX;
// *********************************************************************//
// The Class CoRigX provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
// create instances of the default interface IRigX exposed by
// the CoClass RigX. The functions are intended to be used by
// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
// server of this typelibrary.
// *********************************************************************//
CoRigX = class
class function Create: IRigX;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IRigX;
// *********************************************************************//
// The Class CoPortBits provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
// create instances of the default interface IPortBits exposed by
// the CoClass PortBits. The functions are intended to be used by
// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
// server of this typelibrary.
// *********************************************************************//
CoPortBits = class
class function Create: IPortBits;
class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IPortBits;
uses ComObj;
class function CoOmniRigX.Create: IOmniRigX; begin Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_OmniRigX) as IOmniRigX; end;
class function CoOmniRigX.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IOmniRigX; begin Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_OmniRigX) as IOmniRigX; end;
class function CoRigX.Create: IRigX; begin Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_RigX) as IRigX; end;
class function CoRigX.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IRigX; begin Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_RigX) as IRigX; end;
class function CoPortBits.Create: IPortBits; begin Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_PortBits) as IPortBits; end;
class function CoPortBits.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IPortBits; begin Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_PortBits) as IPortBits; end;