This is a sample app used for training on another way to host static websites.
The procedure for creating this application yourself is as follows:
- npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli generator-webapp
- mkdir static-site && cd static-site
- yo webapp
You're basic Yeoman webapp should be working now. Start up grunt to see if it's working.
$ grunt server
Thanks to the yeoman team for sharing this great web development workflow.
$ npm install grunt-s3 --save-dev
Thanks to pifantastic for the grunt-s3 task.
aws: grunt.file.readJSON('./aws.json'),
s3: {
options: {
key: '<%= aws.key %>',
secret: '<%= aws.secret %>',
bucket: '<%= aws.bucket %>',
access: 'public-read',
headers: {
// Two Year cache policy (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 730)
'Cache-Control': 'max-age=630720000, public',
'Expires': new Date( + 63072000000).toUTCString()
dist: {
options: {
encodePaths: true,
maxOperations: 20
upload: [{
src: 'dist/**',
dest: '',
rel: 'dist',
options: { gzip: true }
grunt.registerTask('build', [
"bucket": "yeoman-s3"
$ grunt build
Navigate to your yeoman-s3 bucket website and see your work.