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Forward webhook events to services in K8s cluster


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Webhook forwarder for apps on K8s

Various services use webhooks to deliver data to applications. Webhook data is usually sent to HTTP API endpoints.

To receive webhooks, each API endpoint must be registered in the service's configuration. When the same service instance is used for several test environments problems arise. The service may limit maximum number of webhook receivers. Moreover, it could be difficult to manually manage list of endpoints, especially when addresses change often.

The aim of this app is to simplify webhook delivery and management. It provides a single receiver of webhooks that forwards webhook events to all receivers discovered in the Kubernetes cluster. List of receivers is periodically refreshed, which makes the app suitable for use with temporary preview environments.

Available versions

There are 2 versions of the deployment configuration:

  1. External (k8s/versions/external-webhooks) – handles external webhooks (sent from the Internet)
  2. Internal (k8s/versions/internal-webhooks-stripe-cli) – uses cluster-internal source of webhooks, e.g. an app that generates webhooks. Version presented in the repository is built for Stripe CLI but after minor adjustments can be used with other similar services too.

Both versions assume that services that should receive webhooks are defined as services with common name, possibly in different namespaces.
However, by introducing changes in soruce code, the app can be adjusted for use with other service discovery methods.


  1. Choose one of the two versions: external-webhooks or internal-webhooks-stripe-cli
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Copy k8s/versions/<version>/webhook-forwarder-user-config.dist.yaml to k8s/versions/<version>/webhook-forwarder-user-config.yaml and fill fields marked with TODO. See Configuration section for more details
  4. Use kustomize to generate final config (kustomize build ./k8s/versions/<version>)
  5. Apply the configuration to your Kubernetes cluster
  6. Define any additional policies required by your cluster


Environmental variable name Description Example
LOG_LEVEL Logging verbosity level debug
HEADERS_TO_FORWARD Comma separated list of headers that should be forwarded app-signature,content-type
HEADERS_TO_ADD Comma separated list of additional headers that should sent with the forwarded webhook key:value,key2:value2
TARGET_NAME Name of the destination service/ingress in K8s that should receive webhooks (see CLIENT_DISCOVERY_MODE to choose between service and ingress) backend-svc
WEBHOOK_DESTINATION_ENDPOINT Path of the endpoint that should receive webhooks api/webhook
IGNORE_DESTINATION_SSL_ERRORS Ignore SSL errors when forwarding webhook to services false
CLIENT_DISCOVERY_MODE Determines how clients are discovered. Available modes: SERVICE – discovers K8s services, INGRESS – discovers hosts in K8s ingresses, STATIC – uses client set in STATIC_CLIENT (useful for testing/debugging) SERVICE
STATIC_CLIENT Set address that should receive webhooks http://localhost:4000

Note: ingress mode

When using the INGRESS discovery mode, you may encounter issues/limitations, e.g. SSL termination may not work while accessing pods via a managed load balancer from inside the cluster. Check out the following links for further explanations/solutions:

Building & running

  • App is designed to run on Docker
  • It can be also started locally:
    • First install dependencies npm install
    • Then build npm run build and start node dist/app.js
    • Or run in development mode npm run dev

Running tests

npm install
npm test

Other possible solutions

It's worth to mention some other methods that can also be sufficient in some situation:

  • Nginx mirroring module: ngx_http_mirror_module module
  • In case of services that provide tools for forwarding webhooks to local destinations: running instance of the tool as a sidecar container for each webhook receiver


Forward webhook events to services in K8s cluster








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