- #9298 Define conflicts with incompatible dependencies versions (@pamil)
- #9287 Fix wrong CustomerInterface type in PHPDoc (@teohhanhui)
- #9281 [Behat] Handle multiple notifications in NotificationChecker (@Zales0123)
- #9264 [Documentation][CookBook] Specific SyliusBundles extension (@Zales0123, @Adraesh)
- #9267 Add PaymentMethod::instructions option to fixtures (@stefandoorn)
- #9269 Fix wrong Balrog of Morgoth name (@Zales0123)
- #9265 Run PHPStan in Travis CI (@pamil)
- #9260 Remove "incenteev/composer-parameter-handler" from packages dependencies (@pamil)
- #9259 Various composer.json enhancements (@pamil)
- #9256 PHPUnit ^6.5 for packages (@pamil)
- #9248 Update to PHPUnit ^6.5 (@pamil)
- #9247 Update to ApiTestCase ^2.0 and PHPUnit ^6.0 (@pamil)
- #9244 Remove composer.lock (@pamil)
- #9135 Fixed Customer API docs with invalid "groups" parameter (@gorkalaucirica)
- #9176 [Documentation] Customizing Factory (@GitProdEnv)
- #9237 Fix select province in checkout address (@serieznyi)
- #9233 [AttributeBundle] Fixing composer.json for ramsey/uuid (@David-Crty)
- #9235 [ResourceBundle] make controller public by default (@bendavies)
- #9236 [ResourceBundle] make sylius.translatable_entity_locale_assigner public (@bendavies)
- #9238 Make tests green again (@pamil)
- #9219 Improve flags support (@shadypierre)
- #9194 [Documentation][Cookbook]Adding validation for image uploads (@Mipme)
- #9211 Bring extra care for the documentation! (@pamil)
- #9181 Remove surprising redundant x sign from docblock (@damonsson)
- #9195 [Documentation][GridBundle]Wrong definition of sortable attribute (@Mipme)
- #9145 Run Travis with readonly project directories (@pamil)
- #9206 [Documentation] Translatable model - Fix titles and add template support (@shadypierre)
- #9204 Fix invalid use of count by checking for an array (@venyii)
- #9189 [Documentation] Add more rules to the contribution guide + Fix CMS cookbook (@CoderMaggie)
- #9188 [Behat] Remove some unused methods in Behat pages (@Zales0123)
- #9155 [Documentation] Add CMS integration cookbook (@bitbager)
- #9166 Add required parameters to the Route generation (@GitProdEnv)
- #9164 Sylius.org becomes sylius.com (@pamil)
- #9169 Allow for using Doctrine ORM >=2.6 (@pamil)
- #9162 Update all occurrences of .dev to .test (@jackbentley)
- #9161 Make images removal tests great again (@pamil)
- #9157 Make Travis tests more reliable (@pamil)
- #9153 Semantic fixes in SyliusTaxonomyBundle docs (@Zales0123)
- #9149 Fix typo in UPGRADE file (@alcaeus)
- #9147 Remove pre-1.0 changelog entries (@pamil)
- #9144 Remove RFC label from stalebot's whitelist (@pamil)
- #9143 Allow nullable product variants (@pamil, @bitbager)
- #9136 Make packages providing Twig extensions conflict with Twig 1.x (@pamil)
- #9068 Random codebase fixes (@pamil)
- #9139 [Documentation] Fix URL to docs in Bundles README (@RadnoK)
- #9137 [Documentation] Fix typo (@willy-ahva)
- #9130 [Documentation] Add warning about trusted proxies when using stripe behind lb with https (@reyostallenberg)
- #9131 [Admin] Fix wrong source currency translation (@Zales0123)
- #9133 Fix return typehint for TaxonTranslation (@diimpp)
- #9110 [Documentation] Fixed Docblock in Taxon document (@thekonz)
- #9127 Use random_*() instead of rand(), mt_rand() and microtime() (@pamil)
- #9125 Make lightbox label translatable (fixes #9099) (@stefandoorn)
- #9108 [Documentation] Update required selenium version (@lchrusciel)
- #9101 Fix wrong target-entity in exchange-rate entity (@alcaeus)
- #9097 Fix UI form add button issue collection in a collection (@wadjeroudi)
- #9095 Prevent the kernel response listener for cart from continuing when the session is not actually started. (@Hailong)
- #9096 PHP 7.2 support, finally! (@pamil)
- #9090 Update README.md (@landsman)
- #9084 Minor enhancements to product review API pull request (@pamil)
- #9085 Fix referenced state machine configuration path (@pamil)
- #9079 [Travis] Run a full build for tags (@pamil)
- #9075 Test sylius:install command on Travis (@pamil)
- #9071 Update composer.json (1.0) (@pamil)
- #9069 Extend Travis build matrix & setup extra jobs running nightly (1.0) (@pamil)
- #9065 Various Travis changes (@pamil)
- #9048 Exclude the web/media directory from firewall restrict list. (@Hailong)
- #9063 Require Symfony ^3.4 in components & bundles (@pamil)
- #9055 Remove PHP <= 7.1 Polyfills (@stefandoorn)
- #9052 Fixes history issue when adding to cart (@gabriel-cardoso)
- #9061 Require Symfony ^3.4 (@pamil)
- #9060 Remove the need for using sudo on Travis (@pamil)
- #9059 Make Travis use the most recent Chromedriver (@pamil)
- #9023 [Documenation] Turn off bundles fixes (@lchrusciel)
- #9045 [Grid] Fixes broken table when all item actions are disabled (@Tetragramat)
- #9033 Add info about constraints / validation groups when using form extensions (closes #7862) (@stefandoorn)
- #9036 [Core] Fix customer order addresses saver (@GSadee)
- #9024 [Documenation] Update plugin mapping recommendation (@lchrusciel)
- #9034 [MailerBundle] Simplify tests (@odolbeau)
- #9027 [Documentation] Update plugin name (@lchrusciel)
- #9025 [Travis] Use old Trusty image (@lchrusciel)
- #9012 [Documentation][MailerBundle] Clean installation part (@odolbeau)
- #9021 [Documentation] [Order] Fixes in Order component documentation: typo in models.rst and wording in processors.rst (@dgreda)
- #9018 Use Null Coalesce Operator (@carusogabriel)
- #9020 Restrict packages to use Symfony's DI in ^3.2 version for tests (@pamil)
- #9015 Removing gender from documentation (@mbklnd)
- #9000 Fixed: Breadcrumbs links for Taxon and Product views (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #8996 Setup "Stale" probot (@pamil)
- #8998 Syntax error fix in doc code snippet (@t-geindre)
- #8997 PHPDoc fixes (@JanTvrdik)
- #8978 Decouple reviews customer (@kochen)
- #8992 Change "Support Request" label to "Help Wanted" (@pamil)
- #8990 [Documentation] Remove facebook group (@lchrusciel)
- #8979 ensure we return null rather than void in SyliusPluginTrait::getContainerExtension (@lsmith77)
- #8951 Community organization (@pamil)
- #8968 Security release 1.0.4 - allowing to update to Symfony 3.3.13 (@pamil)
- #8954 Add more accurate select jQuery selector (@PapsOu)
- #8952 Suspend PHP 7.2 support (@pamil)
- #8858 [Bug] [Admin] fixed filter reset after changing grid page limits - third branch (@doctorx32)
- #8878 Add more accurate select jQuery selector (@PapsOu)
- #8924 Improved parse alias exception message (@william-nedbase)
- #8903 Plugin naming convention RFC implementation (closes #8848) (@stefandoorn)
- #8949 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8945 [Travis] Use Ubuntu Trusty (@castler, @pamil)
- #8941 [Documentation] Rework Cookbook organization (@CoderMaggie)
- #8943 Apply coding standard fixes (@pamil)
- #8933 [Documentation] Theme assets installing tip (@CoderMaggie)
- #8934 [Documentation] Branching strategy (@CoderMaggie)
- #8940 Change bulk action implementation and remove the need for a BC break (@pamil)
- #8937 Fix wrong use statement for ProductInterface (@stefandoorn)
- #8938 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8915 [Travis] Update Yarn to stable 1.2.1, use Node v6 (@venyii)
- #8931 [Behat] fix typo in contact context (@loic425)
- #8926 Fix: Old interface names used in product documentation (@nbjohan)
- #8927 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8912 Update UPGRADE file mentioning risky changes made between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2 releases (@pamil)
- #8919 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8491 [Admin] Mass deletion on admin grid (fixes #93) (@GSadee, @stefandoorn)
- #8874 [Order][OrderItem] Immutable product/variant names (@GSadee, @johnrisby)
- #8901 Backwards compatibility promise (@pamil)
- #8911 Change 1.0 version to 1.0.3-DEV (@pamil)
- #8908 Support for PHP 7.2 (@pamil)
- #8905 [Documentation] Fix form extension link (@Snake-Tn)
- #8876 Narrow typehints for models - part 1 (@pamil)
- #8906 [Documentation] Fix channel assignment example on a payment method (@GSadee, @PapsOu)
- #8904 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8896 Apply coding standard fixes (@pamil)
- #8895 Remove the remaining author docblocks (@pamil)
- #8766 [ProductAttribute] Make select attribute translatable (@GSadee, @Lowlo)
- #8882 Remove all author docblocks (@Zales0123)
- #8894 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8887 [Docs] Mention hostname configuration for multiple channels (@Zales0123)
- #8879 Change Symfony2 to Symfony (@edamov)
- #8872 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8871 Apply coding standard fixes (@pamil)
- #8775 [ProductAttribute] Fix displaying attributes depending on locales and channels (@GSadee)
- #8869 [AdminApi] Fix nullable ClientInterface return type in admin api (@venyii)
- #8856 remove send on different moment and add section links (@kochen)
- #8868 [Travis] Allow failures for PHP 7.2 builds (@pamil)
- #8771 Make Sylius compatible with PHP 7.2 (@stefandoorn)
- #8823 [Documentation][Cookbook] Cloudways deployment guide (@CoderMaggie, @shahroznawaz)
- #8860 [Customer] Fix typo in serializer file (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #8851 Optimise Travis builds (@pamil)
- #8855 Do not check links while building documentation (@pamil)
- #8854 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8840 Clean the not Fulfilled Table before each collection (@nstapelbroek)
- #8829 Add missing event response. (@liverbool)
- #8715 [Documentation] Explain how to contribute using vagrant (@loicmobizel)
- #8832 Random codebase enhancements (@pamil)
- #8844 [Documentation] Add typehints to customization guide (@GSadee)
- #8846 Update comment in the PR template (@GSadee)
- #8680 add sylius version to the footer in admin (@gabiudrescu)
- #8842 Added missing return type in customization/controller docs (@kejwmen)
- #8843 Allow to use environmental variables to populate parameters (@pamil)
- #8826 [Documentation][Locale] Component docs fix (@nightrainlily)
- #8830 [Documentation] Custom Promotion Rule Checker Fix (@CoderMaggie, @flochntrl)
- #8827 [Documentation][Book] Product attributes fix (@garbetjie)
- #8825 [BUGFIX][Documentation] Restrict Sphinx version contraints (@CoderMaggie)
- #8820 Change 1.0 branch version to v1.0.2-DEV (@pamil)
- #8815 Revert "Changed CustomerChoiceType for a ResourceToIdentifierTransformer in OrderType of SyliusAdminApiBundle"
- #8814 [Documentation] Updated platform sh guide (1.0 branch backport) (@lchrusciel, @Crell)
- #8798 [Installation] Add setting a username during installation (@GSadee)
- #8751 [ProductAttribute] Fix select product attribute choice value delete (@GSadee)
- #8809 PHPStan: initial config & first fixes (@pamil)
- #8812 [Installation] Add setting an email as username during installation (@GSadee)
- #8808 Apply coding standard fixes (@pamil)
- #8755 [Attribute] Configuration validation of text and select attributes (@GSadee)
- #8807 [Documentation] Remove outdated exchange rate info from Order docs (@venyii)
- #8800 Mention ^PHP7.1 requirement when installing Sylius (closes 8765) (@stefandoorn)
- #8777 Move user impersonated listener to shop bundle (@GSadee)
- #8770 Run security:check to actively check issues in Composer dependencies (@stefandoorn)
- #8804 [tests] Remove duplicate scenario (@juukie)
- #8802 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8796 [Documentation] Quick typo fix (@GSadee)
- #8790 [Documentation] Update docs about creating custom tax calculators (@GSadee)
- #8786 [Documentation] Update docs about creating custom shipping calculators (@GSadee)
- #8791 [Documentation] Clarification of how to install assets in a new theme (@johnrisby)
- #8778 Changed CustomerChoiceType for a ResourceToIdentifierTransformer in OrderType of SyliusAdminApiBundle (@jdeveloper)
- #8773 [Behat] Remove unnecessary current channel context (@GSadee)
- #8779 [ProductImage] Fix association between images and variants (@GSadee)
- #8782 [UserBundle] Decouple UserBundle from CoreBundle (@GSadee)
- #8774 [Documentation] Update PR template in contribution guide (@GSadee)
- #8783 [Documentation] Update locales page in book (@GSadee)
- #8762 [Bug][Admin] Avoid deleting Product Variant when removing the associa… (@ylastapis)
- #8678 [ReviewBundle] Recalculate subject rating on review post create event (@loicmobizel)
- #8756 [Documentation] Updated platform sh guide (@lchrusciel, @Crell)
- #8760 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8737 [ProductAttribute] Fix select product attribute choice value rename (@GSadee)
- #8750 Fixed a typo in docs (@dborsatto)
- #8743 Load lazy taxon tree using a single click (@pamil)
- #8749 Add coding standard section to docs (@pamil)
- #8746 Use sylius-labs/coding-standard (@pamil)
- #8742 Do flush after enabling a user in user registration listener (@pamil)
- #8738 Make contributing easier - issues & pull requests templates (@pamil)
- #8741 Do not close sidebar when clicking outside of it (@pamil)
- #8740 Add missing license headers (@pamil)
- #8736 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8733 Adjust coding standard settings (@pamil)
- #8723 Add even more coding standard fixers (@pamil)
- #8729 [Docs] Typos in SyliusTaxationBundle (@juukie)
- #8725 [Mailer] Added missing PHPDoc argument (@sweoggy)
- #8718 Do not crash admin while listing partially shipped orders (@pamil)
- #8722 [Documentation] Fix broken link to UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
- #8714 Set up upgrade file for 1.1 (@pamil)
- #8713 Update contributing guide (@pamil)
- #8712 Partition changelog & upgrade files (@pamil)
- #8716 [Behat] Minor typo fix (@GSadee)
- #8710 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8709 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8664 [Documentation / README] Simplified installation guide (@bpolaszek)
- #8705 Fix coding standard (@pamil)
- #8706 Enhance README (@pamil)
- #8707 Update CHANGELOG (@pamil)
- #8697 [Documentation] Non-existent action used (@kate-kate)
- #8687 [Travis] Validating yarn packages on travis tests suite (@loicmobizel)
- #8686 gitignore webserver pid files (@gabiudrescu)
- #8696 [Documentation] Syntax typo fix (@kate-kate)
- #8685 [Fixtures] Docs & tests about disabling listeners / fixtures in a suite (@pamil)
- #8690 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8682 Gitignore webserver pid files (@gabiudrescu)
- #8677 [Docs] Corrections on OrderItemQuantityModifier (@juukie)
- #8675 Treat
as 1.1 (@pamil) - #8663 [Documentation] Fix PHP min version (@kochen)
- #8646 [ResourceBundle] Fix variable name (@plozmun)
- #8662 fix link to BitBager PayUPlugin (@kochen)
- #8668 Typo's (@juukie)
- #8669 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (@SyliusBot)
- #8660 Make README great again (@pamil)