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Capturing Dialog output for further processing

Bart Reardon edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 6 revisions

There are several ways you can get output from Dialog or know what action a user took or any data that was entered.

Return Codes

The most basic dialog will always have at least one button which when clicked, will exit with a return code of 0.

The optional buttons, initiated via --button2, --infobutton (or derivatives), when clicked will give return code 2 or 3 depending on which one was clicked.

The following return codes are sent after each action. These can be ignored or used in a calling script for further action

Action Optional Hotkey Return Code
button1 No Enter 0
button2 Yes Esc 2
infobutton Yes 3
<timer> Yes 4
command file quit: Yes 5
--quitkey Yes cmd+q 10
Key Auth Failed Yes 30
Image Resource Not Found 201
File Not Found 202

To process the return code on your script simply capture the result from $? in bash or via your chosen scripting language.

Example, processing return codes in zsh:

dialog ...<options_here>
case $? in
  echo "Pressed OK"
  # Button 1 processing here
  echo "Pressed Cancel Button (button 2)"
  # Button 2 processing here
  echo "Pressed Info Button (button 3)"
  # Button 3 processing here
  echo "Timer Expired"
  # Timer ran out code here
  echo "quit: command used"
  # post quit: command code here
  echo "User quit with cmd+q"
  # User quit code here
  echo "Key Authorisation Failed"
  # Key auth failure code here
  echo "Image resource not found"
  echo "Image for icon not found"
  echo "Something else happened"


In addition to return codes, output will be sent to sdtout if one or more --textfield or --selectvalues are presented. The default output is non-formatted other than to split the label and output with a : character.

Given the following dialog and user input:

dialog --textfield "text 1" --textfield "text 2" --selecttitle "make selection" --selectvalues "one,two,three,four"


The output would look as follows:

SelectedOption : three
SelectedIndex : 2
text 1 : one
text 2 : two

SelectedOption is the text of the drop down option that was selected SelectedIndex is the index of the option that was selected (indexes start at 0 so index 2 means the third option as listed was selected)

Text fields are presented using the label passed in to dialog as the label in the output, so for the above example:

text 1 displays the text that the user input in the text field labelled "text 1" and the same goes for text 2

To split these up you could use awk to process each line of output you were interested in, e.g.

/usr/local/bin/dialog <...> | grep "SelectedOption" | awk -F " : " '{print $NF}'

For more advanced processing you can pass in the --json parameter which will then format the output as json for processing using a json parser (e.g. in python).

json output for the above example would appear as follows:

"SelectedOption" : "three",
"SelectedIndex" : 2,
"text 1" : "one",
"text 2" : "two"

Additional examples

capturing the output and return code using python:

import subprocess

result = subprocess.Popen("/usr/local/bin/dialog <...>")
text = result.communicate()[0]   # contents of stdout
return_code = result.returncode  # return code
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