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Command Line Options
BigMac Admin edited this page Sep 12, 2024
22 revisions
Dialog is pretty boring by itself. Use the following commandline options to spruce it up a bit.
you can also optionally configure dialog using JSON
swiftDialog v2.5.1.4775
©2024 Bart Reardon
use --help <option> for more details
-t, --title <text>
Set the Dialog title
--subtitle <text>
Text to use as subtitle when sending a system notification
-m, --message <text>
Set the dialog message
--style presentation | mini | centered | alert | caution | warning
Configure a pre-set window style
--messagealignment [left | centre | center | right]
Set the message alignment
--messageposition [top | centre | center | bottom]
Set the message position
--helpmessage <text>
Enable help button with content <text>
-i, --icon <file> | <url>
Set the dialog icon
--iconsize <num>
Set the dialog icon size
--iconalpha <num>
Set the dialog icon transparancy
-y, --overlayicon <file> | <url>
Set an image to display as an overlay to --icon
-n, --bannerimage <file> | <url>
Enable banner image
--bannertitle <text>
Enable title within banner area
--bannertext <text>
Set text to display in banner area
--button1text <text>
Set the label for Button1
--button1action <url>
Set the Button1 action
--button2text <text>
Displays Button2 with <text>
--button2action <text>
Custom Actions For Button 2 Is Not Implemented
--infobuttontext <text>
Displays info button with <text>
--infobuttonaction <url>
Set the info button action
--buttonstyle center|centre|stack
Configure how the button area is displayed
--selecttitle <text>(,radio|required,name="<text>")
Select list name
--selectvalues <csv>
Select list values
--selectdefault <text>
Default select list value
--titlefont <text>
Lets you modify the title text of the dialog
--messagefont <text>
Set the message font of the dialog
--textfield <text>[,required,secure,prompt="<text>",name="<text>"]
Enable a textfield with the specified label
--checkbox <text>
Enable a checkbox with the specified label
--checkboxstyle default|checkbox|switch[,<size>]
Change the appearance of checkboxes
--timer [<seconds>]
Enable countdown timer (with <seconds>)
--progress [<int>]
Enable interactive progress bar
--progresstext <text>
Enable the progress text with <text>
-g, --image <file> | <url>
Display an image
--imagecaption <text>
Display a caption underneath an image
--width <number>
Set dialog window width
--height <number>
Set dialog window height
-bg, --background <file>
Set a dialog background image
-ba, --bgalpha <number>
Set background image transparancy
-bp, --bgposition [topleft | left | bottomleft | top | center/cetre | bottom | topright | right | bottomright]
Set background image position
-bf, --bgfill [fill | fit]
Set background image fill type
-bs, --bgscale [fill | fit]
Enable background image scaling
--position [topleft | left | bottomleft | top | center/centre | bottom | topright | right | bottomright]
Set dialog window position
--positionoffset <int>
Set dialog window position offset
--video <file> | <url>
Display a video
--videocaption <text>
Display a caption underneath a video
--debug (<colour>)
Enable debug mode
--jsonfile <file>
Read dialog settings from JSON formatted <file>
--jsonstring <text>
Read dialog settings from JSON formatted <string>
--commandfile [<file>]
Set command file path
--listitem <text>
Enable a list item with the specified label
--liststyle <text>
Set list style [expanded|compact]
--infotext <text>
Display <text> in place of info button
--infobox <text>
Display <text> in info box
--quitkey <char>
Set dialog quit key
--webcontent <url>
Display a web page
-k, --key <string>
Use the specified authentication key to allow dialog to launch
--checksum <string>
Generate a SHA256 value
--displaylog <file>
Open a file and display the contents as it is being written
--vieworder <csv>
Change the order in which some items are displayed
--appearance [dark|light]
Set the preferred window appearance
--button1disabled <text>
Disable Button1
--button2disabled <text>
Disable Button2
-2, --button2
Displays Button2
-3, --infobutton
Displays info button
-v, --version
Print version string
-h, --hideicon <text>
Hides the icon from view
--centreicon <text>
Set icon to be in the centre
--help [<argument>]
Print help
-l, --licence
Print license
--hidetimerbar <text>
Hide countdown timer if enabled
--autoplay <text>
Enable video autoplay
Blur screen content behind dialog window
--notification <text>
Send a system notification
-o, --moveable
Enable dialog to be moveable
-p, --ontop
Enable dialog to be always positioned on top of other windows
-s, --small
Enable 25% decrease in default window size
-b, --big
Enable 25% increase in default window size
-f, --fullscreen
Enable full screen view
Quit when info button is selected
-j, --json
Enable JSON output
-jh, --jh
Enable jamfHelper mode
Enable mini mode
Enable presentation mode
--windowbuttons [close,min,max]
Enables window buttons
Enable the dialog window to be resizable
Enable the dialog window to appear on all screens
Enable the dialog window to be shown at login
Hides the default behaviour of Return ↵ and Esc ⎋ keys