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Bart Reardon edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 1 revision

Presentation Mode

--presentation or --style presentation

Presentation mode is an output only (no user input) mode of swiftDialog intended for displaying an ongoing process or task.

Updating the display will require the use of a command file and appropriate commands.

The view is split into two main content areas and a footer containing a progress bar and buttons.

Info Area

The left 1/3 of the window contains an information area and can show one of the following:


A background colour representing the users highlight colour preference.

You can optionally make the following modifiers:

  • --infobox <text> to display text (markdown format supported)
    • Text is centred vertically
  • --background color=<color|hex> to set the background colour
    • If no colour is specified, the system accent colour is used
  • --icon <image> to display an icon in the top left
  • --iconsize <int> to set the icon size.


Specify one or more --image <image> to fill this area with an image

Multiple images will stack as an image carousel. Include --autoplay <sec> to have the images rotate.


  • Use images with portrait orientation for best results
  • Images will be scaled to fill the area and cropping may occur if using multiple images with varying size ratios.

Run presentation mode with --debug and a recommended image size for the current window will be included in debug log output after you dismiss the dialog.


DEBUG: Ideal presentation sidebar image size for these window dimensions would be width:492.0, height:636.0

Web content

Specify --webcontent <url> to display the contents of a html source.


  • If using a local file, reference the file using file:///path/to/file.html

Content Area

The right 2/3 of the window is dedicated to content in one of the following forms:


Any --message <text> in any of the supported forms.


One or more --listitem in any of the supported forms.


As displaying progress and other updateable content is the primary function of presentation mode, the footer of the window is always visible and dedicated to a full width progress bar and buttons.


Text only content

dialog --presentation --infobox "<markdown>" --icon "<image>" --message "<markdown>"

Web view in the info area and listitems in the content area

dialog --presentation --infobox "<url>" --listitem ...<items>...

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